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Once they reached the bottom of the ladder, Mackenzie and Rick ran after Glenn following him out of the building and down a flight of stairs.

"I'm back. Got some guests plus four geeks in the alley." Glenn said into his walkie.

The three of them came to a stop once they saw two motherfuckers walking towards them, growling. Mackenzie took a small step back, reaching for her knife. But before the motherfuckers reached them, two figures dressed in all black came running out a building and started hitting them with baseball bats.

"Lets go!" Glenn shouted while running towards where the figures emerged from.

Mackenzie stood watching the figures hit the motherfuckers for a split second before running after Glenn and Rick, wondering how effective the bats were.

"Son of a bitch. We 'ought to kill you" A blonde woman gritted through her teeth, pushing Rick towards a wall before aiming a gun to his face.

Without hesitation, Mackenzie pulled her knife out of its sheath and held it up as close to the womans neck as she could. She felt a hand pull at her shoulder, pushing it off of her, Mackenzie stepped closer to the woman.

"I'll kill ya." She threatened, the woman briefly looked at her before scoffing and turning her attention back to Rick.

"Just chill out Andrea. Back off." A man behind Mackenzie said, he was one of the hooded figures with a bat.

"Come on ease up." A woman said.

Glenn pulled Mackenzie back slowly, not wanting to be stabbed himself. Once she felt his arms fold under her own she tried to push away from him again but he just continued to pull her back, her feet dragging.

"Ease up? You're kidding me right?" The woman, who Mackenzie overhead being called Andrea replied "We're dead because of these stupid assholes."

For a moment, when she said 'stupid assholes' Andrea brought the gun away from Ricks head and pointed it at Mackenzie before pushing it back towards Rick.

"Andrea, I said back the hell off." The man from before warned, walking behind her.

Mackenzie continued to try and get away from Glenn but he wouldn't let go. He pried her knife from her hand before releasing her, only to grab her shoulder. She truly did not like him.

"Let me go." Mackenzie said in a hushed voice.

"No." Glenn whispered back "You'll go over there and get shot. Not happening."

Mackenzie looked back over at Rick and Andrea and narrowed her eyebrows. Will she actually shoot him, she asked herself.

Before she did anything else, Andrea dropped her arm and started crying. Glenn let go of Mackenzie and she ran towards Rick.

"We're dead. All of us." Andrea began, still crying "Because of the two of you."

Mackenzie glared up at her, it wasn't their fault, was it? They were just trying to get to Atlanta. Will all of these people die because of them?

"I don't understand." Rick told the group, stepping infront of Mackenzie.

"Look, we came into the city to scavenge supplies." The man Mackenzie still didn't know the name of started, guiding Rick away from the group.

Mackenzie followed close behind telling herself it was so she could make sure the man didn't hurt Rick, it was really because she didn't trust the group or what they would do to her.

"You know what the key to scavenging is? Surviving! You know the key to surviving? Sneaking in and out, tiptoeing. Not shooting up the streets like its O.K. Corral." He continued.

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