5. Houseparty Pt 1

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Solána's House


Damn. This place got a lotta' people. I thought, looking at the groups of people outside, simply as the van door opened, each and everyone hopping out. Everyone began walking into the place, the smell of marijuana hitting my nose like a truck. There were a couple of palm trees outside the house, and smokes and blunts were scattered across the yard. Some dude even sleeping on the drive way. The air smelled like alcohol and that air when you go outside after its done raining, that freshness. The loud rap music changed to some sort of Usher song, Syd smiled a little at that atleast. Kendrick suddenly began paying attention to how big the estate actually was...This place is hugeee as fuckk. How do you even get the money to seriously buy all this shit. Kendrick thought, as the rest of the group began walking through the tall, gilded, shiny front door. Rocky, Frank and Tyler stood at the front of the group, Earl then chose to shove Rocky away and open the door.

As soon as the door opened, they weren't even shocked at this point to find so much expensive furniture, but it was pretty much being tarnished by all the party goers. Loud speakers blasted Usher songs, Kendrick hummed along to them. There was a-lot of people, people coated in more cash bound clothes some even Kendrick didn't recognize, and Kendrick was one of the most popular in the group.

                                 ROCKY (1st Person')


Solánas House.

Shit, I don't know anyone hear other then this group of  niggas that I hardly know yet. All I can really actually assume from them is how fucking crazy they are. Still, whatever the fuck they gonna make me do hurr', I'm down for it.  I think tremendously at this point, as my heart skips around a bit from this new environment. I had parties back in Sacramento, but they weren't like whatever this stuff is. As I walk around, I feel someone tug on my ripped up shirt because of Domo, and turn around to see girl. She had long curly black hair over her black skin, with plumper lips,  and was wearing a hockey uniform. She seemed to be signaling our entire group, as everyone else turned around.

"Shit, a bitchhh. She bad thoughhh." Jasper whispered to Taco, Taco whispered something back into Jaspers ear, but I couldn't really hear, which is probably for the better or sum shit.

"Hey y'all! Im Solána, who are you guys supposed to be, cause' I haven't seen a-lot of y'all around here. 'Specially you two wit' tha' box braids, anddd the big boys." Solána declared to all of us, I could assume she was talking about me and Earl in the first part, because I could see Earl grimace when she said boxbraids, prolly because he didn't wanna be grouped with me. But, for the second part, it's probably Jasper and Domo.

"Well, I think its beca-" Frank begins to say as he gets through the group to the front to talk to the Solána, then she immediately interrupts him.

"Heyyyyy! Oh my god, I haven't seem you in so long, goddam', Frank!" Solána immediately yells out, lookin' a bit ecstatic at Franks appearance. Frank immediately responds, grinning.

"Ayyyeee." Frank would say, sharing it, just alot calmer at the time. The music continued to blast as Frank and Solána started talking. This left me and the rest of the niggas out here.

✿ WEIRD KIDS ✿ ASAP x Tyler ✿Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα