[] Prologue: Afterlife []

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A/N: So I'm very picky when it comes to anime, but I gotta say Angel Beats is one of the best anime I have watched so far. Actually, I've re-watched it like three times. Every time I re-watch it, my heart beats...fr. That's why I decided to make a crossover fic of this anime.

𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Within the confines of the second-year dormitory, a tranquil ambiance enveloped the room where two figures sat in quiet companionship. One, a girl with vibrant magenta hair fashioned into elegant twin tails, her locks adorned with scarlet ribbons, exuded a playful energy.

The other, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, bore chestnut-colored hair, his demeanor calm and composed, his expressions revealing little of the emotions swirling within.

As the evening sun cast its warm glow through the window, illuminating the space with a soft golden hue, Ayanokōji observed in silence as his mischievous kōhai, Ichika Amasawa, indulged in the meal he had meticulously prepared.

Empty plates scattered across the table bore witness to her voracious appetite, while traces of food adorned her face in playful disarray.

"Here, wipe your face," Ayanokōji offered, extending a handkerchief towards Ichika, his tone neutral and devoid of any discernible emotion.

"Oh, sorry Senpai!~ I forgot about my manners~ as always, your cooking is the best!" Ichika exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine appreciation as she playfully coerced Ayanokōji into assisting her.

"You could have done it yourself," Ayanokōji remarked, his voice devoid of inflection, betraying little reaction to Ichika's antics.

Undeterred, Ichika playfully bent down, her movements suggestive as she pretended to retrieve an imaginary object from the floor, her actions eliciting a faint reaction from Ayanokōji, though his expression remained impassive.

"Stop doing that, or I'll kick you out," Ayanokōji warned, his tone flat and matter-of-fact, his words carrying a subtle edge of annoyance.

With a melodious laugh, Ichika straightened up, her playful demeanor unwavering as she prepared to take her leave.

"Well then, senpai~ it's time for me to leave as it's getting late. Again, thanks for the food! Bye-bye~" With a wave and a wink, she bid her farewell, leaving Ayanokōji to ponder the peculiar charm of his mischievous kōhai.

𝐊𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

"Well, it's a relief that she left. Now I can finally take my well-deserved nap. Bed-chan, here I come," I said to myself as I laid on my bed, still clad in my school uniform.

But as I closed my eyes, an unsettling feeling gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Something felt off, like an ominous shadow looming on the horizon.

'Huh? What is this uneasy feeling?' I pondered, unable to shake the sense of impending dread that gripped me.

I reluctantly rose from the bed, abandoning my attempt at rest, and sat up, surveying the room with a furrowed brow. My gaze settled on the open window, through which a chilling breeze seeped into the room.

"Today's night is particularly cold and windy...I wonder why?" I mused aloud, the cold gust of wind caressing my face, sending a shiver down my spine. Yet, despite the chill in the air, it wasn't the temperature that unsettled me-it was the inexplicable sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the atmosphere.

'Let's just ignore it, I guess,' I thought with a heavy sigh as I once again laid on my bed, determined to get some much-needed rest.

Despite the lingering unease, I resolved to push the troubling thoughts aside and succumb to the embrace of sleep.






However, in the dead of night, a sharp pain pierced through my chest, sending shockwaves of agony radiating through my body. I attempted to jolt upright, but found myself trapped in a suffocating darkness, unable to open my eyes.

'What in the world is happening?' I questioned inwardly, my usual apathetic demeanor replaced by a furrowed brow of concern. Clutching my chest, I grimaced in pain, the intensity of it causing my stoic facade to crack.

Struggling and gasping for air, I felt an overwhelming sense of panic grip me as the pain intensified with each passing moment.

'This is the first time I've felt this much pain... not even in the White Room have I ever struggled like this... Am I going to die? Scratch that, I am dying. There's no other explanation. Freedom was never an option for me,' I conceded to the inevitable, resigned to my fate as darkness closed in around me.







I opened my eyes, only to find myself in a completely unknown place. Maintaining my stoic expression, I began to scan my surroundings, taking in every detail with a keen eye.

"Wasn't I supposed to die? Then why am I here, and what is this place?" I mused aloud, though no one was there to answer my query. Rising to my feet, I found myself in the midst of a chilly night, the air heavy with an unsettling stillness.

"Huh?" I muttered in confusion as I glanced down at my attire, realizing that my clothes had inexplicably changed into a different school uniform-a black blazer and pants, with a white shirt beneath.

"I need to gather information about this place," I resolved silently, setting off with cautious steps to explore my unfamiliar surroundings, mindful to avoid drawing attention to myself.



If some of you haven't watched Angel Beats! yet, let me give you a spoiler-free summary. You can also watch the opening above.

'Angel Beats! is set in the environment of a high school in the afterlife, a type of limbo for people who have experienced trauma or hardships in life and must overcome them before passing on and being reincarnated. The story follows Yuzuru Otonashi, a boy with amnesia who ends up in the afterlife.'

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Have a nice day!


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