Chapter 10

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6 days left!!!

Vivan Malhotra adjusted his tie, glancing at the clock. The office visit was more than a mere formality; it was a glimpse into the life that awaited Piya after their wedding. Their fathers had orchestrated this union, merging two business empires. Vivan’s father, Mr. Vivek Malhotra, was a shrewd businessman, and Piya’s father, Mr. Arjun Khurrana, was equally astute.

Piya stood by the window, her eyes scanning the bustling streets below. Her heart raced; this was more than an office tour—it was a step into her future if she gets married to Vivan.

Geet, Vivan’s younger sister, tugged at his sleeve. “Bhaiya, will Piya bhabhi become our boss?”

Vivan chuckled. “Not exactly, Geet. She’ll be part of the team, just like everyone else.”

Piya turned, her eyes meeting Vivan’s. His gaze held warmth, a silent promise. She wondered if he felt the same weight of responsibility—the burden of their fathers’ expectations. She wondered if he felt as helpless as her.

Mr. Vivek Malhotra led the way through the sleek corridors. Piya noticed the framed achievements on the walls—the company’s growth, milestones, and charity initiatives. It was more than profit margins; it was a legacy.

They entered the boardroom, where executives huddled around a massive table. Piya’s heels clicked against the marble floor. She felt their scrutiny—the whispers of “the bride-to-be.” But she wasn’t just that; she was a woman with ambition and dreams but at the moment she felt like everything was slipping out of her hands.

Vivan’s father gestured toward the panoramic windows. “This view—our city, our canvas. Piya, you’ll be part of shaping it.”

Piya nodded, her mind racing. She imagined herself here, making decisions, leading teams. But she is losing herself in this corporate maze.

Geet tugged at Piya’s hand. “Bhabhi, can I show you my secret hideout?”

Piya smiled. “Of course, Geet.”

They slipped away, leaving the boardroom behind. Geet led her to a small terrace, hidden from the prying eyes of the office. Potted plants lined the railing, and a swing hung from a sturdy beam.

“This is where I come when Bhaiya is too serious,” Geet confided. “He forgets to laugh sometimes.”

Piya sat on the swing, the breeze ruffling her hair. “When I first met him, I thought he is very grumpy and rude".

Geet grinned. “Bhaiya is like this, all serious but once he gets comfortable with someone, he will become the most fun person.”

Piya glanced back at the boardroom. Vivan stood there, watching them. His eyes held a mix of pride and vulnerability. Piya realized that this office wasn’t just about profits; it was about family, love, and the delicate balance between duty and desire.

If they had, just if they had more time to themselves, she’d have taught Vivan to laugh a little more.

They saw Vivan saying something to his father and came towards them. Geet already has a mischievous smile on her face.

"Hii Bhaiya", Geet said with a giggle. "I didn't know you could not stay without Piya bhabhi even for a minute".

Piya's eyes went wide as she stared at Vivan who was already staring at her with the same expression as hers.

Geet laughed and said, "Look at you both! Oh my God! Don't worry I won't tell Papa anything. You guys can do all the romantic stuff here while I keep him busy".

Piya's cheeks reddened and suddenly the floor seemed to be more interesting to her than looking at any of their faces.

"Geet!", Vivan exclaimed and hit her on her head.

Geet stuck her tongue out at him and went back to the boardroom.

"I am sorry about what she said", Vivan told, being totally embarrassed.

"It's okay", Piya said, scratching her neck awkwardly.

Vivan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt like he was fighting a battle within himself. "Piya we need to talk".

Piya sensed the seriousness of the situation. She nodded in response.

Vivan sat beside her on the swing and looked down at his hands. "Are you sure you want to do this?".

Piya didn't say anything. She just looked at Vivan with a troubled look on her face.


A night before

Piya, Hamid, Vivan and Amir were sitting inside Hqmid's room. It was already past 11 pm. The corridor was quiet and the light of moon bestowed upon them as they stood near the big glass window of the room. The curtains fluttered with light breeze.

Piya was sitting on a chair and Hamid was standing right beside her. Amir was standing against the wall while Vivan was sitting on the bed.

"Guys, we have a plan", Hamid started.

Piya looked at Hamid with a hopeful look on her face and then looked at Vivan who was looking at Hamid with an eyebrow raised.

"Piya and Vivan would break into Vivan's father's office, steal some confidential files, and leak them to the press. The scandal would tarnish Piya's father's reputation, leading to the cancellation of the marriage alliance and setting Piya free to be with me", Hamid told.

Vivan stood up and shouted, "Are you crazy?! You know what consequences we will have to face after this! Whatever you said is not a joke. It will ruin our reputation and cause us a big loss".

"Vivan please calm down", Piya said, placing her hand on Vivan's arm. He looked down where she had placed her arm and then back into her eyes.

She looked at him pleadingly and the innocence on her face was enough to melt his heart.

Vivan hesitated at first, unwilling to jeopardize his father's business and reputation. But when he saw the desperation and sadness in Piya's eyes, he relented, agreeing to go along with the plan for her sake. Piya felt a pang of guilt for involving Vivan in their scheme, but she knew that it was the only way to escape her fate.

As they spoke, Piya couldn't help but notice a strange look in Hamid's eyes, a glint of something otherworldly and mysterious. She felt like Hamid was hiding something from them. He looked restless.

And then she noticed something...

As Vivan sat on the bed again, the bed sheet got displaced a little. Piya saw the exact same phone lying there which she saw a few days earlier. Hamid had told her that it was Amir's and he forgot his phone in his room that day then, why was this phone here?

She decided to keep this to herself at the moment because if Hamid was hiding something, he would definitely tell another lie.

As the night wore on, the four of them finalized their plan, steeling themselves for the dangerous path that lay ahead. After they were done setting up their plan, they decided to go back to their rooms.

As the three reached near Amir's room, Piya told, "Amir, I think you forgot your phone in Hamid's room".

Amir yawned and said, "Stop kidding Piya. Can't you see, I'm already tired and I'm in no mood for jokes".

"No! Seriously! I saw your phone on his bed".

"I guess you need some sleep too", Amir said and took out his phone from his pocket. "See! This is my phone".

Piya was stunned. So, Hamid had lied to her that day.

But why....?

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