Chapter 5: The Rose

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The next morning, fifty princesses dashed about the fifth floor as if it was their wedding day. On the first day of class, they all wanted to make their best impressions on teachers, boys, and anyone else who might lead them to Ever After. Swans twinkling on nightgowns, they flurried into each other's rooms, glossing lips, poofing hair, buffing nails, and trailing so much perfume that fairies passed out and littered the hall like dead flies. Still no one seemed any closer to being dressed, and indeed, when the clock tolled 8:00 a.m., signalling the start of breakfast, not a single girl had put on her clothes, except for me of course.

Agatha was already out the door doing god knows what. All she had time to say was "Gonna go find a Sophie! Don't follow me, see you later!" and dashed out before any other girls could even wake up.

I walked out of my room only to end up suffocated by perfumes and powders that scoured every inch of this floor. Sometimes I wondered if these girls cared about anything other than their looks, Sophie would fit in perfectly. As I made my way down the white steps of spiral staircase, I once again spotted the golden-framed portrait of such a familiar face. I stepped closer and read "Ariel of Neverland", The Little Mermaid, that was my favourite fairytale growing up. Must be why it caught my attention. I made my way to the cafeteria thinking nothing of it, grabbed my breakfast and sat down at an empty table. Breakfast only started a few minutes ago and most of the boys were already here stuffing themselves with their food, some even went back for seconds and thirds.

As I lifted my gaze from my food, a familiar prince was sitting in front of me. I could hear the whispers of the Ever girls who finally made it down to eat.

"Hello," said the boy.

"Oh hi." I answered.

"So you're the Reader who caught my rose."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to. I swear it just landed in my hand. You can have it back and give it to someone else—" I replied nervously.

"No that's not why— You caught it, it's your rose. You don't need to be sorry."

"I'm Tedros, Tedros Pendragon, by the way."

"I think I've heard every single girl say it."

"Haha I suppose it comes with my reputation. What's your name, mysterious Reader?"

"I'm Athena, just Athena." Tedros shifted his gaze.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, sorry. I knew an Athena, that's all. Lovely to put a name to such a beautiful face. Nice to meet—"

Beatrix cut in, placing her breakfast next to Tedros.

"Speaking of beautiful faces, I'm Beatrix, a real princess. Unlike this Reader who doesn't know her place. Run along now, the royals are talking." she said glaring at me.

I took that as a sign to get up and walk away. There was clearly something going on between those two, and I had zero interest of putting myself between them. Just like she said, I'm just a Reader—

"Wait, where are you going?" asked Tedros.

"I thought it was pretty clear that I had no place talking to you, Reader and all. Wouldn't want to ruin your reputation."

"I never said that-"

"Your princess did."

"She's definitely not my princess." He grimaced.

"Maybe she should be. You too would be perfect together."

"If I thought so, I wouldn't be following you now would I."

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