Chapter 2: The Art of Kidnapping

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I watched as the sun started setting from the bookstore. All the men were lined up in front of their houses, weapons in hand, ready to take down whoever, or whatever was coming for their kids. I could only imagine Sophie in her bedroom, prettiest nightgown on, full face of organic and natural makeup on. Her father obviously loved her very much, he looked more stressed out and ready than any of the other men. Sophie didn't care too much though, especially not with a new stepmother in the house and two reckless siblings. Sophie only dreamed of marrying a prince and having her happy ending. I suppose I also wanted a happy ending. I spent my whole life reading the fairytales that appeared in the shop, wishing I was the princess. Those fairytales gave me hope, that I would find my family. Something about them felt so reassuring, like a mothers embrace.

As the clock rang midnight, my eyelids started to fall, my body wanted to fall asleep, but I couldn't let that happen. I needed to see the School Master with my own eyes. I could still see all the men with their guards up, lit torch in hand. I looked away for just one second and slowly the torches started going out, one by one. Behind every new torch extinguished, I noticed a shadow creeping in the streets, the shadow was shaped like a human, but was definitely not a human. As it made its way down the street, more torches started going out. The shadow turned around and looked directly at me. I could feel its piercing blue eyes look straight into mine, I felt a chill down my spine. It looked away swiftly and continued down the road- straight to Sophie's house. I noticed another shadow creeping behind, Agatha. Of course she was on her way to Sophie. Agatha was very adamant that Sophie wasn't getting kidnapped, at least not without a fight. Both the shadow and Agatha disappeared.

I heard a loud crash, Sophie was disappearing into the forest with the School Master, Agatha not far behind. I guess that was it. The School Master made its choice, I wasn't one of them. I don't know why I felt upset, being kidnapped shouldn't be something you wished for, but it was for me. Maybe I'm better off here anyways. I turned around and made my way back to my bed, when I heard a bell ring. The door to the bookshop was opened. I turned around and saw the shadow across from me, its icy blue eyes were almost blinding. He took ahold of me and dragged me out of the shop and into the forest, just like he had with Sophie and Agatha. I looked around as much as I could and couldn't hear either Sophie or Agatha.

The shadow placed me down on a tree branch, too high to get down, but too low to really see anything. Am I going to die? This didn't feel as magical as I thought it would. The branche started to wobble, it coiled back like a sling and shot me up like a bullet. Before I could even scream I landed and another branch, which shot me even higher, and higher, my dress was being torn up on thorns and twigs, until I was at the very top of the tree.

There at the top of the tree sat two giant black egg, one was already hatched. I gaped at it, baffled. The egg tore open, splashing me with dark, yolky goo as a colossal bird emerged, made only of bones. It took one look at the me and unleashed an angry screech that rattled my eardrums. Then it grabbed me in its claws and dove off the tree as I screamed. The bony bird lashed through black woods I covered my face trying not to get hit in the face by branches. All around, gangly trees snatched at me as the bird dipped and climbed to avoid them, until thunder exploded ahead and they smashed headfirst into a raging lightning storm. Fire bolts sent trees careening towards me and I shielded their faces from rain, mud, and timber, ducked cobwebs, beehives, and vipers, until the bird plunged into deadly briars and the I blanched, closing my eyes to the pain—

Everything went quiet.

I opened my eyes.

Far beneath me, two soaring castles sprawled across the forest. One castle glittered in sun mist, with white and blue glass turrets over a sparkling lake. The other loomed, blackened and jagged, sharp spires ripping through thunderclouds like the teeth of a monster.

The School for Good and Evil.

The bony bird drifted over the Towers of Good and loosened me from its claws. I tried to look around, spot Agatha or Sophie but there were no other birds or creatures in the sky, or below, there was no sign of them.

Swooping below, the bird dropped me into the school for good.

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