Chapter 2

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Minju pov

"Guys Y/n is coming over, so please act normal and don't be weird, especially you and you" I said while pointing at Wonhee and Yunah.

"Us? why us" Wonhee said with a confused expression.

"Do I need to explain? Your whole existence is weird" I said while looking at my phone to see if I got a message from y/n.

"Understandable" Yunah said while nodding.

"Moka and Iroha, I'm counting on you guys to control Wonhee and Yunah if they start acting up" I said while looking at Moka and iroha who were laughing at Wonhee and Yunah who were arguing about something.

"Sure unnie" iroha said.


Yunah then rushed to the door and opened it.

"Hi, you must be Y/n" Yunah said while grasping y/n's hand in hers.

"H-hi, yes I am and you must be Yunah" Y/n said while slightly being  nervous.

"Oh how did you know, does Minju talk about me to you." Yunah said with curiosity.

"Yes and no, I'm actually an illit fan, watched runext and everything. Your actually one of my Biases since runext." Y/n said.

"Am I your bias in Illit?" Yunah said excitedly.

"Well it's actually Wonhee, sorry babe" Y/n said while looking at me from the door.

"It's fine, I'm used to you fangirling over wonhee." I said with a slight smile.

"Aww, why is Wonhee your bias" Yunah said with a sad expression.

"Well her whole existence makes me laugh and smile" Y/n said honestly.

"I feel so honored to be your bias" Wonhee came next to Yunah and took Y/n hand from Yunah's.

"Ok can you guys stop surrounding y/n" I said while taking y/n hand and pulling her towards the couch. I sat next to her with the others surrounding us.

"You've already met Wonhee and Yunah, this is Moka and Iroha" I said while pointing at Moka and Iroha.

"Nice to finally meet you" Moka said.

"Ya I hope we can be good friends" Iroha said with a smile.

"Ya me too" y/n said.

"Well the introduction is done, y/n let's go to my room" I said while standing up and taking her hand.

"What? We didn't even get to know each other properly, and your already taking her away" Yunah said with a confused face.

"Ya Yunah is right, why don't we sit and talk, y/n are you hungry, we can order some food" Wonhee said with a hopeful expression.

"I am actually hungry, we can order food and get to know each other. Is that okay babe" Y/n said while looking at me.

"It's okay" I said with a slight smile, since I actually wanted some alone time with her.

"Damn you need Minju's approval to eat, is Minju controlling?" Moka asked Y/n.

"No its not like that" Y/n said while laughing.

I ignored that comment about me and sat besides y/n again, and rapped my hand around her waist.

"She can be over protective sometimes though." Y/n said while holding my hand that's on her waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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