The Big Cheese

18 1 6

Marcel woke up next to his alarm at 9:36 am, 3 hours and 36 minutes after his restaurant opened. He knew he was late, but still he slowly and calmly stepped off his bed of silk, one paw in front of the other. His fur was a light blue color, and his snout was skinny with a pink ovular nose at the end of it. He lived in a small town of rats like himself in a 1 1/2 foot wide alleyway.

After putting on his white chef hat, he left his hole in the wall and walked down the concrete flooring of the alley. It was a bright morning; the alley had just enough space between each wall to allow light in. As Marcel strutted confidently, he got stares and waves from the rats that were outside their holes in the walls. He smiled and waved back as he walked smugly to his restaurant, which had a sangria awning and a sign above it that read "Toing's".

MARCEL: "Another day in the kitchen."

He opened the front door and all his adoring fans began cheering him on and complimenting his greatness as he smugly thanked them and walked into the kitchen.

The kitchen was filled with about a dozen hard-at-work chefs. Carol, one of the waitresses, approached Marcel.

CAROL: "You're late."

MARCEL: "Come on- the place runs itself!"

The loud crash of a plate smashing echoed in the kitchen.

RAT: "Oh god not again!"

Greg, a chunkier green rat approached the glass and scolded the rodent who dropped it.

CAROL: "Get your kitchen in order, Marcel." She squints and taps his chest with her sharp pointer finger before walking to the window to place an order.

Marcel makes his presence known by raising his small, furry arms in the air and speaking loudly.

MARCEL: "Everybody," he gathers the attention of the staff "uh- start cooking!"

One of the cooks replies while holding a frying pan filled with vegetables over a stove.

COLBY: "We were already doing that.."

MARCEL: "Okay, soooo do it better."

Carol scoffed from the corner of the room, then left to the dining area. The rats continued their stressful cooking while Marcel casually picked up a loose piece of Taleggio Cheese and walked over to a chair in the corner of the room and proudly sat down. He watched over the kitchen for a couple minutes, and then eventually fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Carol approaches a table of older folks in the dining area.

CAROL: "Hey guys, how is everything?" She says with a welcoming smile.

OLDER WOMAN: "Oh my goodness it's just absolutely delicious I mean really-"

OLDER MAN: "This has got to be the best food I have ever had, there's no maggots in it or anything!"

Both of the customers speak with a creaky, but polite English accent.

CAROL: "Well, I'm so glad your enjoying the-"

OLDER WOMAN: "Marcel right? Oh I am just such a fan-" She cuts her off.

Carols eye twitches as she hides her annoyance.

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