Sewage Spill

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Later, at about closing time when it's dark out, Marcel is in his office eating some cheese, when one of the better chefs, Greg, knocks on the frame of his open door.

MARCEL: "Greg!" He says with a full mouth. "Come on in! What's up?"

GREG: "Hi, Marcel, I actually came in to ask you something kind of important."

MARCEL: "Mhm." He looks at him expectingly.

GREG: "Uh, well, I've just- I've been with this restaurant for years now and I feel it's safe to say I've been a pretty hard worker."

MARCEL: "Oh absolutely- you've been just lovely, Greg!"

GREG: "Yes-" he laughs uncomfortably "and I was thinking about maybe- I don't know- getting a raise?"

MARCEL: "A raise..?"

GREG: "Well, yea! I mean- just since I've been- you know.. always directing the kitchen, and coming up with new dishes that you ever so kindly take credit for.."

MARCEL: "Okay I do not- look, I want to give you a raise, I really do! It's just.. well, that's not gonna work out for me."

GREG: "What?"

MARCEL: "You know I've put a lot of cheddar and precious, precious time into this restaurant since my dear, dear fathers passing."

He points to a painting of a rat that's definitely not Remi which sits on the wall behind his desk.

MARCEL: "I really can't afford to give up any more funds right now."

GREG: "Really?" He looks around the room. "Because your office is like- really lavishly decorate-

Marcel jumps across his desk and shushes Greg putting a finger over his mouth.

MARCEL: "Look, how about we talk over a drink?"

Later, they sat on the concrete edge of a sewer
while holding cups and silently looking at graffiti on the wall.

MARCEL: "Just look at it. Isn't it beautiful..?"

GREG: "Sure..." he takes a sip from his cup and then spits it out "This is disgusting!"

Marcel runs his cup through the sewer water.

MARCEL: "Yup, that's how you know it's the good stuff."

He takes a sip and chokes it down.

MARCEL: "Sooo.. how's life at home..?"

GREG: "Not great. Lucy's pregnant again, so we're gonna have another 12 pups."

MARCEL: "What? That's great man, congratulations!"

GREG: "We'll probably go broke from all the costs and loose our hole in the wall. Even before that happens, we'll have to pull Tommy, Lucile, Mickey and Rodger out of private school. The funds are already too much, there's no way we can afford it after the kids are born."

It's silent for a moment.

MARCEL: "Bummer alert..."

Ratatoing Rewritten: ToingsWhere stories live. Discover now