Filthy Rat

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Other than Marcel, there was one rat that didn't hide from the threat of the human. Brie was snooping around his kitchen, like she did everyday, trying to find something that could reveal any kind of recipe, spice, or source that makes Marcels food so delicious. She even put her hand down their sink to see if something was hidden down there. She moved her paw around for a while, but when she went to lift her arm out- it wouldn't budge. While she was trying to pull her arm out, Marcel quickly entered his own kitchen through the tunnel, coming back from his food expedition. After he caught his breath, he spotted Brie with her arm halfway in the disposal.

MARCEL: "I- What are you doing in here..?"

BRIE: "Oh-!" She clears her throat, continuing her attempt to pull her arm out. "Uhm, well I just-" she notices the bags over Marcels shoulder. "Hey, what's that's your holding..?" She squints her eyes suspiciously.

MARCEL: (defensive) "Uhmm.. Why are you in my kitchen..?"

She sighs and finally pulls her arm out of the sink, still looking at him with suspicion.

BRIE: "I'll be on my way."

She walks out of the restaurant, never breaking eye contact. Marcel puts the bag of food down next to the pantry's door and opens it to assure the guests and staff.

MARCEL: "Alright everyone- the coast is clear- everyone can uh- you know get back to your normal activities! It is now safe!"

All the rats leave the pantry and scatter through or out of the restaurant, all discussing the situation. Carol approaches Marcel.

CAROL: "Wow, good thing you spotted that, huh? We coulda died otherwise!" She laughs.

MARCEL: "Uh huh..! Anything for my fellow rodents.!" He says nervously.

Carol spots the spilled bags of food on the floor.

CAROL: "Is that food? Where did you find the time to get that?"

MARCEL: "Oh uhm.. I- well when I was watching out and made sure the human was gone. I noticed I had a left over stash. So.."

CAROL: "Uh huh.. That's pretty lucky." She looks at him suspiciously.

MARCEL: "Yep.." he holds his hands together.

CAROL: "To be honest, I'm surprised that you didn't just ignore the human." She drops her suspicion.

MARCEL: "Hahaha- what? Why would i- do that?" His expression confused and defensive.

CAROL: "You don't typically care much for the life of another being. Getting everyone to hide means less time that the restaurants open- and less cheddar for you. Which is, you know, kind of your thing." She ends her phrase with a sarcastic smile.

MARCEL: "Do you really think that of me..?" He says a little disappointed.

CAROL: "The important thing is that everyone's safe. Thanks for that- even if it was the bare minimum."

MARCEL: "Uhm, yep! Of course- always." He nervously strokes his tail."

CAROL: "I'll see you." She walks away.

MARCEL: "Oh- bye!!" He squeaks out.

As Marcel sits in his office, the nerves start getting to him. He sits in a fetal position, bites his tail and thinks about how much of a fraud he is. Trying to calm himself down, he takes out a small piece of paper and graphite, beginning to draw his emotions.

A rat leads his town of fellow rodents down a city-like road, continuously gesturing for them to follow him. He knows the right way. The simple way. The way that will make their lives more convenient. As they walk, they approach a large hill of dark grey fabric. The leader rat stops in his tracks, stretching out his arms the get the others to stop as well. They all quietly spectate on what this hill could possibly be when suddenly, it starts to move. All the rats try to keep their balance as the ground rumbles. The figure seems to grow taller and larger, making them all wonder what this thing is. A large head of hair reveals itself at the top of the creature, and then- it stops. The rats look at each other, some feeling relief, others waiting for something to happen. The large entity begins to quickly turn around, revealing itself to be a human. It's legs remain sitting in the same direction but it's torso twists to face the rats. It's giant hand reaches out to them, and as the rats begin to scream and run away, the leader rat yells out for them to stop. They do as he says. He tells them to stay exactly where they are, and they listen. As the arm reaches down to scoop them up, they remain frozen in place. They trust their leader. Nothing bad can happen to them- because their leader will help them to the right direction. Once the arm reaches the ground, it picks up all of the rats but one: the leader. He is left on the ground to watch his trusted colleagues, friends and fans get taken away. The humans other hand reveals itself, and carries ginormous rat trap. Reaching its arm to the trap, it raises his closed hand over the trap, dropping all the rats onto it, and the leader shuts his eyes as he hears a snap.

Marcel shakes himself out of the realm of his anxieties and looks down to see his finished product. He looks at the drawing of the rodents whose necks are trapped underneath a metal bar. It's not just 3 or 4, but a pile of them toppled over one another. Marcel walks around the room holding his head in his paws, his thoughts racing. He worries about the town finding out about his trips to the human restaurant. If he leads a human back, his reputation would be ruined. Everyone would hate him more than they already do. Today was too close. If the human had a stronger stomach- it would follow him back and find the town, and his secret would be revealed. He didn't think twice about the lives it would take, just his reputation. "They're going to notice." He thought. "They're going to find out. I have to distract them".

He began speaking to himself as he paced.

MARCEL: "What do rats like? What- what will make them like me.. what will distract them so I can raise their suspicions and get everything back to normal??"

He looks out the window of his office to see all the rats working in the kitchen. They seem to be busy, but as they smile as they interact with one another. Some even laughing and joking as they season their food.

MARCEL: "Look at them. They all hate me. They're thinking about where I got that food- they know I didn't just 'find it'."

MARCEL: "What do rats like? Rats like food."

He pauses.

MARCEL: "I have food.."

MARCEL: "Aha!"

Ratatoing Rewritten: ToingsWhere stories live. Discover now