Chapter 2. Spin The Bottle

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//A couple minutes after Sophie and Biana arrived//

I was laying on the couch, trying to sort through my mess of a bag when a knock on the door made me jump. "Who is it?" I called as Biana opened the door.

Biana: "Hey guys, come on in." she said, ignoring my question. Tam and Linh walked through the door, both of them greeting Biana, and me.

Tam and Linh had arrived first, followed by Dex, then Marella, Fitz came downstairs next, and last to show up was Keefe.

I smiled as I joined the circle they were making on the blanket covered floor, Ella sitting comfortably in my lap. It made her a little more comfortable as both Fitz and Keefe had Mr. Snuggles and Mrs. Stinkbottom in their laps.

 "Who's ready to play Most Likely To!" Biana said as she settled into the circle as well.

Keefe spoke up first, "I'll start! Okay, who's most likely to... start a fight with an inanimate object?"

There were some fingers pointed at Sophie, a couple at Fitz, but the majority was on Keefe.

 "Yeah, that's probably true." he said with a grin.

"I have one! Who's most likely to eat five Mallowmelt slices in ten seconds?" Biana giggled.

Immediately, there were six fingers pointed at Sophie, as Sophie giggled as it was most likely true.

 "Okay, my turn. Who's most likely to go to school without pants?" I asked grinning

Majority was on Keefe, but there was also Dex, and Fitz that had a vote or two.

Biana: "Okay, last question, does anyone have one?"

Linh: "I do! Who's most likely to kiss Keefe?"

Vote was unanimous, all fingers pointed towards Sophie as she blushed embarrassed. Even Keefe's finger was on her, but sensing her discomfort he stepped in.

Keefe: "Hey, jealous, I would want to kiss myself too, my hair is just too much to resist. I would love myself soooo much I would bring myself elf cookies. Speaking of which, I brought some to share." he said, digging into his bag and pulling out a box of the elf shaped cookies he adored. While everyone was digging into the cookies, she caught Keefe's eye. "Thanks, you didn't have to do that." She transmitted.

"Oh yes I did, that's what Batman does right, and I'm your personal Batman. And your boyfriend" he thought, smugly. She smiled, but ducked her head as she blushed bright red.

"Okay, time to play Spin the Bottle!" Biana said, reappearing with a bottle in her hand, probably grabbing it while everyone else was eating the cookies. She placed the bottle in the middle of the circle everyone was forming again.

Keefe was first to volunteer, "I'll start!" He reached out and spun the bottle. It twirled around and around, finally coming to a stop at...


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