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"Ugh, ow? My head." Groaned Ashley in pain as she opened her eyes to seemingly endless darkness. Her eyes quickly snapped awake before she started looking around her only to notice something odd. "Why am I tied up to a chair...and why's everything so dark? Huh? My hair is down, but my glasses are here." She asked narrowing her eyes at the pitch black darkness around her as she felt Cheese wriggle behind her neck. "Last thing I remember i-"

"Was buried under MY factory." A voice from the darkness interrupted her before she saw a square headed figure walk out of the darkness. Vox. Suddenly, a bright light assaulted Ashley's eyes before the scenery of a thousand and more tv screens entered her sight. She was in Vox's spying room or as Ashley liked to call it...his observatory. "Fucking finally you woke up. Do you know how long I was standing there?"

"Oh, of course I get kidnapped!" Exclaimed Ashley with a scowl causing Vox to raise a brow. "Because I can't have a single good day!" She grumbled before sighing tiredly. "What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just want to teach you a little lesson about not making a ruckus in MY FUCKING FACTORY!" Snapped Vox grabbing Ashley by the hoodie with a scowl much to the princess's unamusement.

"I didn't destroy your stupid factory." Replied Ashley rolling her eyes with a deep frown. "So just let me go already."

"Oh, I'm not talking about the factory. I'm talking about you how you quit." Explained Vox, venom seeping into his words. Ashley's jaw fell hearing Vox's words as her eyes went blank. She shook her head awake before speaking in utter confusion. "Because of you, SEVERAL workers quit that day! And I hate things getting out of control."

Ashley sweat dropped under the furious gaze of the TV overlord. "Look. I wasn't looking for trouble or anything. I was just-" she said with a nervous smile before stopping abruptly. Amidst her pause, a frown made its way onto her face. "You're not gonna give a damn about anything I say, are you?"

Vox burst out into laughter. "Are you JUST figuring that out?" He asked with a manic grin. "I'm gonna make you regret messing with my status quo." He said as electricity crackled around him madly before concentrating into the overlord's hands. Meanwhile, Ashley stared at the floor with a grim expression as she bit her lower lip. Vox grinned as he approached Ashley before he felt his body gets squished by something large.

Vox looked down to see a massive greenish black scorpion tail wrapped around his body that was protruding from Ashley's lower back. "I think I've figured it out." The princess of greed said in a cold firm tone. "I was too greedy to think I could get the life I want without fighting for it." She added, tightening her tail's grip on Vox before glaring at the overlord as she snapped the metallic rope around her body with ease. "I'm gonna make you my bitch."

Vox's expression twisted with anger as he raised his hands to slam electricity through Ashley's tail only for the princess to throw him away beforehand. As he flew towards a wall, the TV overlord quickly transformed into a bolt of blue electricity before crackling onto the wall and leaping down to the ground returning back to his normal form. "Just what do you think you're doing?" Asked Vox with a mad glare before he noticed two mantis claws protrude from the back of Ashley's wrists like twin swords.

Vox quickly fired a blast of lightning the princess's way before she simply zipped out of the way and back at speeds that Vox could barely follow before dashiki towards him in a blink of an eye and slashing with her mantis claw blades.

Vox breathed roughly as sweat rolled off his screen, expecting his head to plop onto the floor at any moment. But after a few long seconds, it didn't... unlike his little observatory which now had a monstrously massive gash nearly spanning a whole 360 degrees around the room leaving both Vox and Ashley unharmed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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