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Y'all liked this fic way too much. Do note that even if I don't reply to many comments, I do see them. I'm just shy.

Anyways, here's chapter 2.



In a restaurant fancier and than fancy called the trident fork where the nobility and top class of hell gather for meals that fit their exquisite palate Ashley stood in front of a table wearing a male waiter outfit with a bowtie.

"Hello, sir and madam. Welcome to our fine establishment." Asked Ashley with a flawless smile as she bowed down to the goetia couple in front of her. "May I take your order?" She said in a soft, polite tone. The couple cooed over the polite waitress before handing her two menus with orders selected. "Your food will be ready shortly." The princess of greed walked elegantly from the table with the two orders in hand before heading to the kitchen.

As soon as she was out of sight, a small mouse popped out from behind Ashley's neck with a squeak. "Phew. Acting fancy really starts hurting after the 50th fine establishment of the day." The princess of greed said tiredly as she stretched her arms before heading towards the kitchen with a tired frown. "At least the pay is decent." She muttered sliding the orders through a hole in the kitchen door before heading back towards the guests with a fake smile before she noticed the main entrance open out of the corner of her eye.

Cheese quickly hid again before the princess dashed towards the new guest with a bright smile. "Welcome, esteemed guest. How may i-" she said before a lizard demon pushed her away nonchalantly before heading to an empty table. "Gosh, what a prick." Ashley grumbled under her breath before heading towards the lizard demon's table. "Welcome, sir; may I take your order?" She said with a bow and a soft smile.

The demon, not even bothering to look at the menu on the table, spoke in a rough tone. "Gimme a pepperoni pizza and make it snappy." Ashley smile faltered before she forced it back up again.

"Uhh, sir? We don't serve pizza here." Replied Ashley calmly as she took the menu off the table and held it in front of the demon. "I assure you, however, that there's lot on our menu to satisfy any palate."

"Why not? You have the ingredients and the cooks. Are you telling me you're denying me, a paying customer, service?!" Exclaimed the demon slamming his fists onto the table. Ashley glanced around her to see all the customers staring at them. The princess sweat dropped before she turned back to the angry demon. "How dare you!? I want to speak to your manager!" Hearing this, Cheese the mouse peeked out from behind Ashley's neck and glared daggers at the demon.

Ashley clenched her fists in frustration. "Yes, sir. I'll call him over." She said before the demon grabbed her by the arm.

"What's that?" He asked curiously, noticing a small grey spot next to Ashley's neck. "What is that?" He asked raising a brow before he quickly snatched Cheese from behind the princess's neck. "A light snack?"

His words sent a chill down Ashley's spine. "Uhh, sir? That's my pet mouse. My boss allowed him to be here." She said nervously, trying to keep calm. "I'd really appreciate it if you-" she couldn't even finish her sentence before she was interrupted by a loud gulp. On instinct, Ashley immediately put all her strength in her arm before punching the demon straight in the gut, causing him to spit out Cheese into Ashley's hands. The princess quickly made sure her pet was still alive and well before turning to the demon with the fury of a thousand suns as the whites of her eyes turned black.

The demon groaned, clutching his stomach as he got back to his feet. "You b***h! You dare-" he snapped before the princess of greed uppercutted him in the jaw, sending him crashing into the ceiling and going through it. The demon's body fell back down shortly, prompting Ashley to speak.

Ash of GreedWhere stories live. Discover now