Old Westerns Covered In Mold

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Making their way down from the hotel rooftop, the group traveled all the way down to the basement with Danny and Valentina taking the lead. Walking over to a strange looking poster, Danny tapped on it for a bit before looking at everyone who was standing in front of it wondering what was going on.

"Alright, this is gonna blow your minds."

Ripping off the posted from the wall, Danny revealed what looked to be an old style theater. Most of the seats were worn down and there was an almost dastardly smell in the room but weirdly enough the massive sheet like screen was still in tact.

Immediately, the smell hit the groups nose. Sasha, shaking her head i disgust tried to cover her nose with her shirt but the smell was overpowering. It was like thousands of humans were left to rot and decay in the room, it was so bad that Cameron felt like he was about to fall over.

There was no way Sasha could keep her mouth shut about the smell of that theater and through her shirt muffling her voice a bit she managed to ask a question.

"What the hell?! How many people died in that room?"

Danny and Valentina didn't seem to care all that much about the smell, it was like it wasn't even hitting their noses.

"That's not what's important, what's important is the inside of the theater."

While everyone else was trying to collect themselves from the horrible smell, Cameron looked at the hole into the hole in the wall and wondered if Danny and Valentina actually went into that room themselves. He didn't think it would be possible but he wanted to be sure.

"You guys went in there without gas masks?"

Danny shrugged his shoulders because they didn't exactly just walk in. He explained how he just ran through it to see what was. Not exactly taking account for the smell since he was moving so fast that his nose never really picked it up until he left.

"Eh kinda, i sped my way through it to see what was instore and i found something pretty cool."

Yasmin, not willing to step inside the room immediately commented, while covering her nose to try and keep the smell from getting to her.

"I'm not stepping in that devil dorm room until that smell is gone, let alone the black mold and disease that might still be swimming around in whatever keeled over in there."

It definitely made sense to Danny as to why they didn't want to go inside of the old theater so he came up with a bit of a compromise.

"Hm, alright i guess I'll just rush in and show you guys what's so special about this space."

In a moments notice, Danny had seemingly shifted in position instantly to everyone else. Although in his perspective everything was just frozen in place as he walked into the decrepit theater and opened a door to what looked to be a booth like room. Inside the room was an extremely old projector and some movies.

Taking a look at the movies, Danny picked up one of them and fiddled with the projector for a bit before finally hooking it up to where the tape was where it needed to be. With a press of a button the projector turned on and as it did Danny walked right back to the group before everything returned to normal.

"Alright, take a look!"

Just in the blink of their eyes, the group was able to see a movie playing on the large screen. It was a old romantic comedy with little to no sound as the speakers were corroded away from age. Sasha seemed to be amazed by the entire thing, looking at the  movie playing in front of them wondering how it all worked.

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