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" Can't sleep?" A smile formed on Dominic's lips as Olivia approached his form. He carefully observed her as she pulled her cardigan closer to her body and settled herself next to him, absentmindedly noting how much similar she always has been with Letty without her even realizing this.

He shook his head. No.

"And you?" He asks, She gave him a sad smile in return. Neither can I.

A comfortable silence enveloped them as they took sips from their own drinks. One thinking about the best way to leave and the other about how to make someone stay.

" I miss her." Olive finally said, her voice almost breaking. " Them."

Dom turns his head, looking at her. He knows what it feels like when you lose the people you care about in a whim, without any hint or even a kiss goodbye. He knows how miserable it is not knowing that that was the last moment you'll ever have with a person. The anguish and regret that fills you from the inside out almost swallowing you alive.

He got a second chance, she wasn't going to. And she knows that very well.

Olive meets his gaze. " It's funny how people say death is such a horrendous thing. That-" Olive tried her best to swallow back the tears forming on her eyes, she looked at the empty street ahead of her. "I wonder if they've ever had to live without the people they love." If they ever had to continue existing without living. If they knew how much harder it is to be the one who survived than to be the who lost.

" You know you have me." Dominic gently touches her face and tilts her head to his direction making her eyes meet his own. "I'm not going anywhere."

" I know, Dom. it's just that-" Olive's voice breaks, the tears she's been keeping finally falling on her cheeks. Dom himself was on the verge of breaking himself, just seeing his daughter falling apart right in front of his own eyes was more painful than anything he had ever experienced before.

" This isn't my home, Dom. I don't belong here. You do. And Letty and even Alex but me," Olive took Dom's hand from her cheeks and held it tightly. She knows he can see his own daughter in her but she wasn't Sophia. She's not his child and he's not her father. He needs to let her go.

" I have to go find my place."

Dom knew this conversation was going to happen sooner or later but hearing it from Olive's mouth and her words filled with sadness still took his breath away. He didn't want her to go. He wanted to say that she belonged here, right at their side and he would never ever let anyone hurt her again. She's always been his little girl and she always would be no matter who brought her up or who she calls father. She will always be that same little girl he held perfectly in his arms from that hospital.

Dom gathered up his courage and asked the question. " Is it Letty?"

Olive shook her head "No." She replied, looking away. " No, It's not because of her or anything she's done. It's me. It's always been me." Olive lowered her gaze. She knows Letty is a good person, she's taken care of her a couple of times before when Owen would get himself caught up in a job, proving herself to her but she was, as much as she didn't want to admit it, was the first person her father considered a relationship with after her mother. It's not Letty's fault she knows that and Letty had made it clear numerous time that she didn't want anything to do with Owen other than someone to run jobs for but she couldn't help it. Olive couldn't help but to feel a pang of hate every time she thinks that if things were just a little bit simpler, Letty would have been her stepmother. No one can ever replace her mother at least not in this lifetime ever. What they had back in the days were epic, her golden childhood that ended up in tragedy could never be replaced and will never be replaced by anyone or anything. " It will always be me."

" When?" Dom's face was hard, trying to compose himself as much he could. The empty feeling at the pit of stomach suddenly overwhelming him, he was loosing his kid all over again.

" In a couple of weeks. Maybe sooner."

A short silence filled the two as Dom bargained his options. He had to tell her. He knows that if he missed his chance and Olive left before knowing who they are to her, she won't have any reason to come back. Though he knows that the truth will most likely drive Olive away even more, a part of him still hopes for another miracle that somehow Olive, no matter how impossible it may seem, will see them as her family.

" Stay. Just until after Thanksgiving."

"Dom-" She started, looking at him, a slight crease forming on her brows.

" Do it for Alex. I'm sure he won't let you to spend Thanksgiving alone." Dom says, stopping her mid-way.

Dominic wrapped his arms around Olivia, her slender figure small against his own. "Do it for me."

Any ideas how Dom should tell Olive who she really is? Comment them down below and maybe I can adapt it into the story!

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