01. Happy Crush

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Do you ever get the feeling that your parents are actually extraterrestrial beings?

My parents, they're always working hard and being responsible, while I'm over here wasting every minute of my life doing absolutely nothing. But the catch is, they don't seem to have any grievances.

I mean it would make sense if I was a rich kid but no, it's not like we're rolling in dough or anything. You won't catch me with a private jet or a personal chef who makes me food 24/7, and don't even get me started on fancy designer clothes and luxury cars in my garage.

So of course, in any regular family, the focus is on learning important life skills and being responsible members of society. But I can literally do all sorts of wrong things, and they just let me get away with it. Isn't that crazy?

When I finally entered college, it suddenly clicked how, how badly I was lacking in skills because all I did at home was laze around, eat snacks, and binge-watch shows. And not to brag about how indifferent my parents were. It was like a wake-up call.

Although I can't complain, because they provided me with a roof over my head, delicious meals, and endless entertainment. They're just doing their duty, and not every kid out there gets those valuable life lessons. I was just born dumb. So I gotta bear with it.

"Lock the door, I'm heading out," I told Mom.

"Already? Did you finish all the food?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Absolutely! Your pancakes are irresistible. My appetite kicks in as soon as I lay my eyes on them, no matter how early it is in the morning."

"You're exaggerating, darling. Because then I am wondering why you're losing weight." How could I possibly look slimmer in just one week?

"What? No way! My friends actually tell me I'm gaining weight."

"Is that why you're on a diet?" she asked, curious about my motives.

"Well, alright, maybe I'm trying to shed a few pounds. Anyway, catch you later!" Yes mom there's this one guy who makes me wanna look attractive everyday and I'm exploring different options just to get him.

"Have a good day."


When I stepped outside, there was this cool breeze. It had this sense of anticipation, like the calm before a storm. It made me wonder if there's something exciting just around the corner.

"Get on the car quickly and check this out, I've sharpened my knife today. Just for you!" Molly calls me out.

That's right, let's hit the road before we're terribly late and Molly ends up giving a 20 minutes lecture on how I should be more punctual or worse, she might actually stab me today. She's too time-conscious, always gets ready on time, but thanks to my antics, we always end up late.

"Aww look at you! So cute when you get angry but there's no need to get all worked up! Can you imagine the attention we'll get when we walk into class? It's like being a celebrity! I can't wait to be in the spotlight." Dude, I love teasing her.

"You want your own spotlight and I respect that. But don't include me in your stuff. I hate arriving late. Next time you're late, I'm not coming with you anymore," Molly says making it clear that she's had enough.

"What's with the new look though?" She said before I could reply to her while giving me that 'from head to toe' look. The kind where I can feel her eyes scanning every detail of my new look.

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