Chapt. 3.

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Buck and Tommy have been going out for almost 4 months now. And every day has been absolutely amazing. Beyond amazing actually, it's been perfect. They've rarely spent a day apart since they've gotten together. Buck was sure tommy would've been tired of his company by now, but tommy has been enjoying it quite a lot. He loves how clingy buck can get; he loves buck messaging him every chance he gets, he loves buck coming over at the end of a shift just to be with him, he loves everything about buck. Buck has been staying over at tommy's a lot more lately, that he practically lives there. Now, neither one has brought up the idea of moving in with each other. So, obviously buck still has his apartment. And he does sleep in it some night. He just spends most of his nights and mornings at his boyfriends. Tommy and buck both hate saying goodbye at night. They can both agree that since they met each other, their places are lonely without them. Tommy feels lonely when buck leaves, and buck feels lonely when tommy leaves. Tommy loves cuddling up with buck on his couch, he loves making dinner for him, breakfast, lunch, you name it. He loves going to sleep with buck, cuddling him, wrapping his arms around him, holding him close. He loves buck being with him. Now that both of them know what it's like to be with each other, they never want to leave.

Well, buck and tommy were sitting at the table eating breakfast. Buck was in tommy's clothes. Not that he didn't have spare clothes at his house now, but he just liked wearing his boyfriends more. And tommy, well, he liked his wearing them too. They both had the day off that day, so they were able to just chill all day with each other and do absolutely nothing. Well, unless they wanted to go do something. Tommy smiled at buck as he was taking a sip of his coffee. "So, I was thinking... what if you moved in? I mean, you pretty much live here anyways. You keep clothes here, and you've been staying over a lot more. Which I've enjoyed a lot. So, I wanted to know if you'd like to move in?" Buck smiled happily after he said that. Of course he wanted to move in. Why wouldn't he? "Like- Like move in- move in? Like as in packing up my stuff and bringing it here?" Tommy laughed. "Yes evan. That is, if you want to." He questioned. "Yes, yeah. I want to. I have been wanting to." Buck smiled at him. "Yeah? Good." Tommy grinned happily.

They both sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes after that. They both kept the smiles on their face. Buck couldn't wait to move in. He'd move in today if he could. However, it was going to take time. It's not something you do in one day and then you're done. Packing takes pretty much a day in itself, depending on how much you have. Besides, buck needed to let his landlord know, and give his 2-month notice. Which he figured he could probably give him a call or text today about it. But they had time. They had plenty of time to move him in. There was no rush on it, neither one of them were going anywhere. They had time. 

"When did you want me to move in?" Buck asked after the finished cleaning up their mess from breakfast. "Whenever want, really. There's no rush on it though. And we don't to move you in all at once. We can get stuff here and there." Tommy smiled, turning off the water he used to do the dishes. "Yeah, I like the sound of that." Buck smiled. "I can reach out to my landlord today and put in my notice." He added and kissed his cheek. "That sounds good." Tommy said, giving him a warm smile and pulled him in, kissing him softly. Buck kissed back and deepened it just a bit. He just couldn't get enough of his lips. Well, he couldn't get enough of him. Tommy rested a hand on bucks' waist, as he rested his other hand on the side of his neck, rubbing his thumb up and down his skin softly. Buck wrapped an arm around tommy's neck, as he used his other hand to rest on his hip. They stayed like that for a bit, only pulling away when they needed air. Buck absolutely loved tommy's lips, just as much as tommy loved bucks. 

They both pulled away after a bit, with smiles on both of their faces. "I love you." Buck said not even thinking about it. He paused for a minute and looked at him. "Sor-Sorry- It just came out." buck said awkwardly. They haven't said I love you yet. Not that they didn't want to, but tommy didn't know if buck was ready for it yet, and buck didn't know if tommy was. So, neither of them has said it. But buck was so happy, and the moment was perfect, it just came out of his mouth without him thinking. "You don't have to say it back I-If you aren't ready... I just, everything has been so perfect and amazing, and I've been extremely happy, so it just felt right- but there's no pressure for you to say it back-" Buck said and got cut off by tommy smiling. "I love you too evan." Tommy said and messed with the strings of the hoodie buck was wearing, while giving him a warm, endearing look. "You do? So, I didn't mess anything up just now?" Buck smiled softly. "Of course, not evan. Yes, I do. I love you so much. I've been wanting to tell you that, but I wasn't sure if you were ready quite yet. So, I waited." Tommy replied, smile as sweet as ever. "You really are the best. How did I get so lucky?" Buck gave one of those 'I am so in love' smiles, and rested his head on his shoulder, wrapping his arms around him. Tommy instantly smiled more and held him close, kissing his head softly. "I could ask myself the same."

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