Chapter Two: The Hunters

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When I got there I noticed that everyone had a nickname. The leader was Sapnap or Nick, while his boyfriend didn't have a nickname and was just Karl. Then there was Badboyhalo or Bad, Awesamdude or Sam and lastly Antfrost or Ant. I got the best along with Sapnap and Karl. We quickly became best friends.

I learned that Karl had The Disease and had been dating Sapnap for six years. I was given a compass to track Dream and a walkie talkie to communicate with the rest of the team in case we got separated. Our strategy was to follow the compass during the day and set up a camp at nightfall. We usually only stayed in camp for a day but sometimes, usually when we were low on food, we stayed a few days to rest and restock our food. We had to make our own food and tools because we couldn't go into any towns or villages. Mostly because the people would recognize us and saw us heroes and famous people and would ask for autographs. I guess that is just one of the negatives of being famous.

After a couple months into the trip, we finally saw Dream on a hill that was an hour's walk from us. He was wearing a green cloak with a smiley face mask that covered his face. But what caught my attention was that he had bandages on his arms and legs, he had a iron axe and a backpack like mine. We tried to shoot him with a bow but he was too far away from us to be able to hit him. As I watched him, I felt like he was looking right at me, as if there was some kind of connection between us.

It was if our eyes locked for a moment before he ran. I know I am not making much sense because he had a mask on and I couldn't see his face let alone his eyes. But the way I felt about it still gives me goosebumps.

The Dream SMP: Book 1: George's viewWhere stories live. Discover now