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Dean's P.O.V

Rick led Shane, Glenn, Daryl, Sam, and I to a small creek where he left Sophia.

It was a bit off from the interstate.

Sam and Daryl walked to the small cubby-hole where Sophia was hidden. They peeked inside, "Are you sure that this is the spot?"

"Yes." Rick nodded, walking up to them, "I left her right here, so I could draw away the Walker's." He pointed towards the right of us, "I drew them into that direction." He drops his hands down to his side, "By the time I got back, she was gone. I figured she took off, and ran back to the group. I told her to go back to the interstate, and to keep the sun on her left shoulder."

"Hey, short-round," Daryl says, looking over at Glenn, "Why don't you step off to one side? You're mucking up the trail." Glenn looked down to see where he was standing, and nodded. He took a couple steps over, as he held the axe close to his body.

Shane looks over at Rick, "You're assuming she knows her left from her right." He says, cocking his brow as he places his hands onto his hips.

Rick's gaze shifted over to him, "She understood me fine, Shane." He says, as him, Sam, and Daryl climbed out of the creak.

"The kid is tired and scared, man." Shane stated, raising his brows, "She had a close call with two Walkers. You've got to wonder about how much you said actually stuck."

I took a breath, "In my opinion, I don't think you shouldn't have suggested her to leave." I stated, raising my brows.

Rick's eyes glanced between Shane and I, before Daryl spoke up, "I've got clear prints right here." He says, pointing down to the path, "She did as you said, she was heading back to the highway. She couldn't have gotten far."

We nodded to what he said.

Daryl started to follow her tracks, as we trailed behind.

It was quiet between all of us, when Daryl came to a stop. His brows were furrowed, as he crouched down, "She was doing fine until right here. All she had to do was keep going." He looks over slightly off of the trail, and barely points, "She veered off the way."

Glenn's brows began to furrow a bit, "Why would she do that?"

"She probably saw something that scared her, and made her run off." Sam suggested, furrowing his brows.

"A Walker, maybe?" I asked, raising my brows.

My brothers eyes shifted over to me, and he shrugged.

Daryl's eyes stayed down on the trail, "I don't see any other footprints." He mumbles, barely shaking his head, "Just hers."

"So, what do we do?" Shane asks, cocking his brows, "Do we press on?"

"No." Rick replies, shaking his head. His eyes shifting over to him, "It would be better if you, Sam, Dean, and Glenn get back up to the highway. So people don't start to panic. Let them know that we're on her trail, and doing everything we can. But most of all, keep everybody calm."

My green eyes shifted over to Sam, before looking back to Rick. Shane nodded to him, "I'll keep them busy scavenging through the cars."

I nodded, as my gaze shifted over to him, "We can think of a few other chores to keep them occupied as well." I replied. His gaze shifted over to me, "I like the way you think, Winchester." His eyes then shifted to Glenn and Sam. He motioned us to follow after him.

Clive's P.O.V

Carl and I leaned against one of the cars while Lori and Aunt Grace looked through the trunks.

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