The Interstate

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The group was driving down the interstate leaving Atlanta.

Clive and I were still in the R.V, to give Carol and Sophia more space in the car the Grimes's were in. Daryl was ahead of us on his motorcycle, and was leading us down the road.

I sat next to Andrea in the booth, while Clive sat on the floor below the table reading the book he had borrowed from Dale. His back was leaned up against the seat Andrea and I sat on, and the book was in his knees.

"I can't believe you still have that book, son." Dale smiled, glancing at him in the rearview mirror. My nephew's eyes shifted to him, "I told you once I finished it, I would give it back to you." He gave him a light smile, "I'm good at keeping my word."

Mine and Shane's smile grew a bit after he said that. The old man chuckled at him, "Well, if you're that dedicated to it, then I might as well let you keep it."

I watched as Clive's smile began to grow, "Thanks, Dale!"

"You're welcome, son."

I smiled at the two, as I looked to the table in front of me. Shane had taken apart his gun, and was cleaning it. A curious look was on Andrea's face as she watched him, "It looks complicated."

His eyes shifted up to her, he saw the both of us watching him. A light smile came onto his face, "Well, the trick is to get all of the pieces back together the same way." His eyes glanced between the both of us, "Grace, do you know how to clean yours?"

I nodded, smiling lightly, "My dad showed me a long time ago. He showed me whenever I was around Clive's age."

"Oh wow.." Andrea smiles lightly, her eyes shifting over to me.

Shane's eyes shifted to her, "I can show you how to clean yours."

Her gaze shifted back to him. Her smile never faded, as she nodded. He reached into the gun bag next to Clive, and pulled out her gun. He smiled lightly, "This is a sweet piece."

"It was a gift from my father." She answers, leaning against the table, "He gave it to me, just before Amy and I took off on our roadtrip. He said that, 'two girls on their own should be able to handle themselves'."

"A smart man, your father." Shane nodded.

Just as he was about to show her, Dale spoke up, "Oh geez." A confused look came over us, as we looked out the windshield. There was a massive traffic jam.

There were abandoned cars scattered throughout the road. Semi-trucks were tipped over, and it was completely blocking the R.V in.

As soon as we came to a complete stop, Daryl came driving back over to us. He stopped in front of the window of the R.V, "Do you see a way through?" Dale asked him.

Daryl nodded, before turning around, and leading us through the traffic.

A cringe look started to come onto Glenn's face, "Uh, maybe we should just turn back."

I shook my head, "No, it's too late to turn back now." I stated, as Clive moved out from underneath my seat. I stood up, and walked over to Glenn's seat. His eyes shift back to me, "But Grace, there's an interstate bypass-"

Dale shakes his head, "No, Grace is right. We can turn back now." He takes a breath, "Besides, we can't spare the fuel."

Daryl started to lead us through the road, all of us followed behind him. Clive climbed into the seat next to Andrea, and began to look out the window. In some of the cars we passed by, we could see some people dead in their vehicles.

"Can we even get through here?" Clive asked, his dark blue eyes never leaving the window.

Before anyone could answer, the R.V instantly blew out. A cringe look came onto Dale's face. He pulled over to the side of the road, and put the vehicle into park.

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