8 - One Big Cover-Up

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Eulalie Hicks summoned a steaming cup of coffee to the table, cracking open a newspaper and settling herself tidily on the chair to catch up on any information she may have missed. Theseus made his way down only moments later, followed by Jacob, as both Bunty and Newt emerged from his case, the lid popping open with a gentle clink and climbing out to join the group. Her youngest brother's eyes scanned the girl's appearance in suspicion.

"Aurora, you need to change your clothes," he chastised, a hint of confusion lacing his voice.

"Yes, thank you," she sighed sarcastically, withholding an eye roll at his accidental ignorance. Newt wasn't always the greatest with words, so in that respect he was pretty easy to forgive.

Dumbledore's hand gently clasped the girl's arm, her eyes finding his quickly in worry but calming once she'd realised he was motioning to the front door – a request to follow without making a scene. Aurora trailed behind obediently, pulling the front door closed behind them but Albus was already walking towards the snow-covered bridge, black leather shoes leaving lines of prints in the untouched flakes. The sun's rays had melted some of the icicles hanging from the signposts, droplets of cool water collecting and falling to the ground below – lethal to those that stepped foot on it, but beautiful to those there to observe. Albus came to a stop halfway across the cobbled overpass, his back to the Inn but eyes watching as she caught up. He didn't want to raise suspicion, but he did require privacy.

"Miss Scamander," he started once her frame was alongside his own. "Do you not understand the importance of your role in this group?"

At this, her ears perked. Truly, she wasn't even aware that she had a role, let alone its significance. "With respect, Sir, I have no role," she advised, watching as he glanced over the barrier for a moment. "I only came for the letter Theseus sent regarding Newt's accident – as of yet, I have been no help,"

His eyes found hers again, the white snow reflecting the blue of his irises perfectly. "Aurora, I sent that letter to you," Albus paused, watching as realization began to kick in. "I know Grindelwald approached you last year, and I know you fear he will come back for you,"

"How? I didn't-" Panic was rising now. "I haven't told anyone that!"

"Do you know what this is?" The older man pulled a triangular-shaped locket from his coat sleeve, withheld from a chain, the silver metal catching the sun's rays and shining brightly. It dangled in front of her eyes, the purple and red gemstones glimmering almost hypnotically.

"That is," Aurora paused, searching for his face behind the object. "It's a blood pact," she whispered quietly, looking around discreetly to ensure they were alone. "Who's?"

"Mine," He could see the moment her jaw dropped in astonishment. "And Grindelwald's."

As she scoured his face for any break in expression to indicate a lie, finding nothing but vulnerable sincerity, the glinting chain redrew her attention to his hand. The cord was wrapped around multiple times, leading further up his forearm beneath the sleeve but the contrast in skin tone was what caught her eye. She gently took hold of his hand, sliding the material up and away from his wrist to reveal lines of purple scarring circling the flesh, disappearing below the bunched cotton. There weren't many, just two, but they ran the length of his limb as if wire had been constricting, cutting into the skin causing permanent damage.

Aurora knew this was potentially dangerous territory – the look Dumbledore was offering seemed like a silent plea to maintain her emotions, as well as her questions – he was revealing something which could prove detrimental should others discover, and yet this was an opportunity to ascertain her loyalty. Exposing himself like this, under such dire circumstances, had to be either a cry for help or a desperate attempt to convey a message. She'd hoped it was the latter.

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