7 - Suffer in Silence

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As the trio approached the ramshackle outbuilding, unlike previous days when there were customers inside enjoying the warmth of the Inn, the shutters had been closed and all seemed dark. Theseus' hand balled to a fist and rapped a rhythm onto the oak door, waiting only moments before it was opened by Aberforth, the usual grimace painting his features. Upon entry, it appeared that all had made themselves at home and were sharing friendly chatter, though Newt and Dumbledore seemed to be discussing something of greater importance based on their hushed tones. Aurora apologised to Lally and Bunty for their late arrival, Jacob showing off his collection of sweet treats proudly as the Quilin trotted over to welcome the guests.

Aurora took a seat in the booth and once her back hit the headboard she felt all the energy leave her body. The sharpness of her wounds had subsided, but now there was a low throbbing throughout, just enough to keep her heart rate raised and render her exhausted. Dumbledore bid his goodnights to the group, eyes remaining on Miss Scamander's a little longer than everyone else's, though she did not hold his gaze for long, before retreating upstairs to the sitting room. Aberforth plated up a bowl of stew for Jacob, the steam producing the most wonderous of scents, leaving the pot at the edge of the table for the remaining occupants to enjoy and withdrew to the second floor to join his brother.

"Astonishing," Theseus started. "Never has something that looked so repellent tasted so delicious."

Lally and Jacob agreed, Newt and Bunty smiling in confirmation while Aurora remained in a daze. That was, of course, until the Quilin began to call and chatter, dancing on its hindlegs in joy, clearly craving some much-needed attention.

"Who is this little one?" The muggle asked, a hint of anxiety lacing his voice.

"She's a Quilin, Jacob," Newt began, voice soft in admiration of the creature before them. "She's incredibly rare – one of the most beloved creatures in the wizarding world,"


"Because she can see into your soul," the youngest Scamander explained, a nervous glint in his eye. Newt feared he would be required to obliviate this knowledge from Jacob later on, as he had been made to do previously, though he supposed if that were the case, he may as well divulge this information now and watch the fascination grow in the muggle's eyes. It was the best part of educating people. "If you are good, and worthy, then she'll see that. But if on the other hand you're cruel and deceitful, then she'll know that too."

Jacob laughed nervously at the small creature as it pawed at his legs, mewling and chuffing in her attempt to communicate with him. "Oh yeah? Did she just tell you that, or-"

Newt shrugged anxiously. "Not exactly tells,"

"Well she bows, but only in the presence of someone truly pure of heart," Lally clarified, putting her spoon to rest in her now-empty bowl. "I mean, almost none of us are of course, no matter how good of a person one tries to be," she paused. "There was actually a time, many, many years ago where the Quilin chose who would lead us."

Aurora's hearing was fading in and out. She was sure she was still conscious, the flickering colours from the fire were still dancing before her, but perhaps her body was reducing the unnecessary functions to preserve energy for the more important senses. The brunette knew of the Quilin's origin, and as such she was also aware of its powers, but it seemed harder now to pay much attention to anything, or to even pick up her spoon and bring it to her lips. So instead, she unfocused her eyes and watched drowsily as Jacob started dancing around the room with the Quilin calf bucking around his legs.

Talk To Me (Albus Dumbledore x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora