Episode 1: Siren's Tale (1/2)

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"Jeanne Marsh's personal log. Stardate 47589.3. I've recently been promoted to Captain and asked to take command of the USS Siren, one of the newer federation starships. She'll leave spacedock today at 1700 hours. With her an extraordinary crew that I have yet to meet."

[Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards]

"How have you been Jeanne?", Commander Ray Pollard asked his old friend as he caught up to her.

"Or shall I call you Captain?"

"It would be appropriate. At least in front of the crew.", Jeanne answered dryly, before her smile returned.

"But for now, it's good to see you again Ray.", she said and they continued their way to the Siren.

"You too. Nervous?", Ray asked.

"That obvious?", Jeanne asked laughing.

"I don't blame you. I'm sure you'll do great.", Ray assured Jeanne.

"Well, we'll see.", she replied.


Ensign Asral Moog stood in front of the USS Siren in awe.

"She's a beauty isn't she?", lieutenant commander Tila Kor asked, as she stopped next to the young Trill.

"Yes she is.", Asral replied and smiled at Tila, who immediately returned the smile.

Tila turned towards Asral and offered a hand for her to shake.

"Tila Kor. Ship's counselor.", Tila introduced herself.

"Asral Moog. I'm communications officer.", Asral replied and shook Tila's hand. Then she turned towards the ship again.

"It's amazing how starships have changed over the years.", Asral stated.

Tila looked at her confused for a second before she put two and two together.

"You're joined with a symbiont?", she asked and Asral nodded in response.


Alice Lee was running around the halls. Her parents were keeping an eye on her as she did so. Suddenly Alice ran into somebody. She fell to the floor and looked up in shock. 

Lieutenant Blake Harvey, the person Alice ran into, smiled friendly and helped the six year old back on her feet. By that time, Ashley Lee and Lieutenant Cameron Lee had accompanied them.

"Are you alright honey?", Ashley asked her daughter.

Alice nodded.

"This nice lady helped me.", she stated.

"Actually I'm not a lady.", Blake told the young girl.

"Are you a guy?", Alice wanted to know.

"No.", Blake said and shook their head.

"Are you just a person?", Alice asked.

Blake laughed.

"Yes. I'm just a person.", they said.

„I'm sorry for my daughter.", Cameron told Blake.

„It's no problem really.", they replied.

„Are the three of you on your way to the USS Siren?"

„Yes!", Alice chimed in, which made her parents, aswell as Blake, laugh.

„Cameron Lee. I'm the pilot.", Cameron introduced himself. Then he turned to his wife and daughter.

„And this is my Wife Ashley and my daughter Alice.", he introduced them aswell.

„Blake Harvey. Botanist. It's nice to meet you.", Blake said.

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