2. Who is he?

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Rosemarie's POV

    I stare at the mystery man confused about who it is and why everyone reacted like that. "Stay behind me." Natasha whispers to me as I see her reaching for her gun.

     "Why is HE here, Thor?" Tony asks in a threatening way. "Odin banished Loki to here on earth until he can learn that he shouldn't have tried to take over New York," Thor explains to the group. I looked at the man after hearing what he had done. The man had raven black hair that fell to a little above his shoulders, a cold expression on his face, and his bright, vivid green eyes were staring at someone. ME!

    *Why me?* I think to myself, *Why not anyone else?* I stare back at him, giving him the same cold stare he was giving me.

      "I don't care what Odin said, I don't want him here, not after what he did," Tony says to Thor. There was some arguing back, but eventually, Thor got Tony to let Loki stay at the tower.

     I finally worked up the courage to ask the question that was running through my head. "Uhm, if you don't mind me asking, who is he?"

     "He is a murderer. That's who he is," Natasha says to me as she scowls at him.

     "Actually, my name's Loki, Loki Laufeyson, God of mischief." Loki says while taking a few steps towards me, which makes everyone tense up again, and Natasha moves in front of me again.

    "She doesn't need to know who you are." Natasha says to him, angerliy. "Actually, she asked who I am, not what I am," Loki corrects her, "isn't that right, Darling?" He asks me. *Darling* I think to myself, I don't know why, but that nickname had my heart beating like crazy and I felt the heat rising in my cheeks.

    "Y-yeah, technically." I say answering him; I got a few dirt looks from Clint and Tony for agreeing with Loki.

    "See." He says, smirking triumphantly. "Thor, can you just take Reindeer Games here to his room? It's next to yours." Tony asks Thor with an attitude; Tony still didn't like the idea of Loki staying here.

     Thor's room is across from mine, which means I'll be neighbors to both the gods.

__________3 days later_____________

    It's been 3 days since Loki had arrived, and he hasn't really interacted with anyone or stepped foot outside his room, for that matter. I'd seen him once since the day he arrived, but that was when Thor was talking to him, and Loki wasn't technically outside his room. Instead, he was standing in the doorway.

    I decided to see if he would talk to me, but he hasn't talked to anyone. Anyone BUT Thor.

    I decided to shapeshift into Thor to get loki to talk to me. It was a perfect plan since he doesn't talk to anyone but Thor. I would knock on his door as Thor and ask him a few questions.

    I decided to do it. I shifted into Thor, which also made my voice deep like his. I make sure the hallway is clear before knocking on Loki's door.

   *here goes nothing* <knock knock>

AN: Thanks for being patient. I was really busy. It was another short one, but I think it's pretty good. Feel free to comment what you think, and thanks for reading. ❤️

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