-{ Questions }-

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-[Watch Tower, Earth's Orbit]-{Tonraq}-

'Ok, ok. Calm down. Look through old memories.' Tonraq thought to himself as he looked at the group in front of him. The one with the calm, monotone voice, green skin, red eyes, black shirt with a red x, and blue cape.

'Martion Manhunter' The memories from Koda supply as Tonraq continued to look over the group. A blonde man, with orange and green, scale like armor.

'Aquaman' Then a woman in red, gold, and blue armor with a circlet around her forehead, and metal bracers on her forearms.

'Wonder Woman' Then finally the last person who wore all black simply reminiscent of a bat, or some sort of demon thing.

'Batman' Now despite knowing who these people were I don't really trust people anymore, so you can imagine my refusal to talk and why my fighting stance still remained. The only problem with this situation is that my body is still extremely exhausted, but I'm used to hiding it and continuing to push my body. Using this to my advantage I ignored the pain while remaining firm.

"Calm down, I know you're tired, but your safe here." The gruff, flat tone of Batman spoke next, as he got the group to back up, and for some reason I let my body relax a little bit. After a couple seconds he moved to the left slightly, still keeping his distance, so I also moved to the left. He stopped, waited, then moved to the right taking the group with him, and I followed the motion also moving to the right. By the time they stopped they made it to a monitor, all of them turned away from me, seeming to not be paying me any attention, I knew that wasn't the case, but it made me more relaxed.

I waited a few seconds, still observing them before I pulled some attention away to look around the room, I wasn't really interested in anything, but to my delight I did find the rest of my clothes with the things I had on me when I ran. Unfortunately though, it was really close to the group, definitely out of their reach, but closer than I'd like to be.

'I feel like this is deliberate, smart, but deliberate.' I thought to myself as I continued to debate whether to go for my things or not. Eventually I gathered myself with some energy, and all the experience I had with sneaking around both my father and animals. I waited for a bit, waited for that moment when they all seemed interested in something, when that moment came I quickly grabbed my things, went back to the opposite side of the room, and sat on the floor. As I set my things on the floor in front of me, my suspicion of the group keeping an eye on me was confirmed when three of the group were surprised when their attention went back to me. I ignored that as I looked over my things and put them back on starting with the necklace I got from my brother.

'He was so proud of himself when he gave it to me' I thought to myself as I looked over my shoes, and by the time I got them on and finished checking over my shirt three of the group turned around, so I tensed up and waited while putting it on. When I was done Batman turned as well and walked in front of the others, as he walked I stood up and readied myself incase I needed to fight.

"We need to ask you a few questions." He flatly stated, but I still remained silent while grabbing my coat.

"What is your name?" Wonder Woman asked in a lighter tone one would use for a child, as she took a step forward. I tensed and took a step back ready to get in a fighting stance, but Batman gave her a look, which caused her to back down, I relaxed a bit, but I was still very tense.

"You are of the Water Tribe, correct?" He asked and all I gave was a slight nod of my head, as I wondered where he was going with this.

"Do you still have family their?" Was his next question.

'I don't think so, and if I did, I wouldn't consider them as family anyway. The only family I had is dead.' I thought to myself as I made a small "so-so" movement with my head, and he stayed quiet for a moment seeming to analyze my face for more meaning.

"If you did, would you consider them your family?" He asked and I didn't even hesitate to shake my head.

"Did you run?" He asked, and for some reason I was scared to admit that I did run. Even though I didn't move my head to answer he seemed to know it already.

"Are the bruises, strained muscle and ligament in the shoulders, and scaring, the reason you ran?" He asked and yet already seemed to know the answer, so all I ended up doing was taking a step back and dropped my eyes to the ground in front of me.

"Hmm, well, seeing as your still a minor your going to have to stay with one of us for the time being, or stay here in the tower." This cought me off guard, but I still contemplated my choices.

'If I'm being honest, my memories of being Koda are somewhat swaying me to agree, but my memory and instinct of this life is overriding it. I really don't want to take any chances with any of them, but if I go with one of them I have a better chance. For one I'll actually be on earth, if something happens I have the opportunity to run, and what's slightly more important is that I'll have better access to water.' These were my immediate thoughts as I, with a hole lot of reluctance, nodded my head, but doubt and fear continued to cloud my mind.

"Hmm, well we can decide who you go with after we take care of a few things around here." Batman sated leaving no room for argument, as he turned and made the others exit first before turning his head to me.

"Feel free to follow one of us, or wonder on your own." Was all he said before leaving the room as the door remained open. This however made me very uncomfortable, did he want me to follow, did he want me to wonder, was I not allowed to leave the room, did he want me remain in a certain area, as all these questions flooded my mind I suddenly saw Unalaq standing by the door with a smile as looked to the door then back to me. Suddenly I was calmer, he began to walk towards the door and out, but I was too filled with anxiety as he went outside. But he popped his head back in with an expecting look on his face, I stayed where I was for a couple minutes, but eventually I started to walk.

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