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I walked out of OPS and headed downstairs to get my keys and phone. I had to protect Deeks' kid, because I owe it to him for everything I have ever done to him, and most importantly not trusting him. I get into my car and look at my phone for the address and start to head over. As I'm driving I'm trying to think about what I'm going to stay to her. I mean I bet she has no idea that she was taken away from her father, I hope she will still love him. After about twenty minutes, I pull up to a friendly looking yellow house. I check my phone again to make sure it is the right house, then walk up to the door and ring the doorbell

After about a minute a concerned lady comes and answers the door.
"Hello, can I help you?"
"Hi, I'm Special Agent Sam Hanna," I say showing her my badge. "May I come in?"
"Sure." She says opening the door wide enough for me to come in.
"Thank you."
"So what do you need Agent Hanna?"
"Does a three year old Fern Deeks live here?"
"Yes, why."
"Her father was kidnapped and we need to take her into protective custody because we are afraid they might come after her."
"And why do you think that?! Her father was a sick bastard. He deserves that!" She yells.

I can't even imagine someone calling him that! She is the sick bastard.
"Just so you know everything that was put in his file is a complete fake! He was a lawyer, and is know the best cop I know. I won't stand here letting you talk smack about him!" I yell back.
"Then why hasn't he come and gotten her, or at least tried to find her!"
"He HAS! He has spent the last two years searching every weekend for her!"

"Fine. Whatever you say. Now why do you want Fern."
"Because we have a video from his father saying that he will come and get her for her fourth birthday. And his father is the sick bastard. So we are here to protect her for the time being."
"Why would his father kidnap him?" She asked with widened eyes.
"Because his father was a drunk and abusive father and wants revenge on his son. But we know he would want his daughter safe and sound, so is she here?"
"Yes, one second." She walked over to the stairs and called for her."
"Fern, sugar bear, will you please come down stairs. There is someone here for you." I just laugh because those are both Deeks' nickname for Kensi.
I wonder if when Deeks gets better if he will keep calling Kensi Fern because I bet it will get very confusing.

About a minute later a very cute little girl comes running down the stairs as her curls bounce with every step.

"Helllooooo." She giggles and as she looks at me, I can only admire her bright blue eyes. Of course she got them from Deeks. It's amazing how similar they look.
"Hello." I say getting down to her level.
"My name is Sam. Nice to meet you." I say putting my hand out for her to shake.
"My name is Fern." She says shaking my hand.
"Fern you are going to go with Sam for a little while ok?"
"Why? Did I do something wrong?" She says as her eyes start to tear up.
"No, your father wants to keep you safe, so you are going to come with me and I'll show you where he works." I try to explain.
"Ok.... But I didn't think he loved me." She says as a tear rolls down her cheek.
"Of course he loves you. Just a bad person made you go away, so we are trying to let you two get back to each other again."
"How bout we go pack a bag of your stuff so you can bring it with you." The lady tells Fern. They both head upstairs, so I call Hetty.

After a couple rings she picks up.
"Having any problem Mr. Hanna?" She asks.
"No Hetty everything is fine. I was just wondering do you want me to bring her to the mission, or boat shed? Cause I don't want her to see Deeks in OPS."
"Bring her to the mission. We can keep her occupied."
"Ok, we should be there in about a half hour."

We both hung up right as Fern and her foster mother came down the stairs.
"Here. I'll take the bag." I say reaching for the bag.
"Ok Fern are you ready?" I ask.
"I guess." She says. I reach to take her hand, when she grabs onto it.
"O and do you have a car seat for her?" I ask.
"Ya let me get it out of the car."
"Ok." After about five more minutes taking the seat out and putting it back in, we are in the car driving away.

"So what's my daddy like?" Fern asked.
I take a deep breath then explain,
"Your dad is a very nice and funny guy. He makes lots of jokes, but cares deeply about people, especially his partner."
"What does he do?"
"He's a cop."
"Really! That's soo cool!" She says excitedly.
"Ya and he's a really good one too."
"Is he gonna be there?" She asked.
"I'm sorry but he's not. He is away right now but wanted us to get you to keep you safe."
"Ok." She replied as she looks out the window. About twenty minutes later we arrived at the mission.
"Here we are." I say as I step out of the car and unbuckle her. I help her out walk to the door and open it for her. Fern and I walk hand and hand into the mission and over to Hetty.
As I walk in, I now feel a little better and hope that we find Deeks soon to keep him safe, and reconnect with his daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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