Not normal

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Today started out to be a normal day. I woke up, went surfing, then went back to take a shower. After my shower, I ate a piece of toast, then headed to work.
On my way to work, I noticed a black SUV that kept popping up so I turned down a different street then I usually do. I noticed its plates, so i wrote it down just incase. DJT2JD8E. It didn't turn down to follow me, so I headed back on my way to HQ. When I walked in the door to HQ I dropped my stuff off, and headed up to OPS.
"Hey Nell."
"Hey Deeks."
"I think this car was following me on the way to work, but lost him before I got here. I wrote down the license plate just to check. Here."
Nell typed it in and had it up on the screen. One name popped up that had changed my life forever. I quickly left the room and ran out of OPS, down the stairs and out the door. I left my car and just kept running until I couldn't any more.

(Back at HQ)

We were all in the bull pin when suddenly Deeks ran out of Ops and HQ.
Callen, Sam, and Kensi all looked at eachother, then headed up to Ops to see what has happen to make their best friend and partner so upset. When they walked in they saw Hetty and a very confused Nell and Eric.
"What's going on?" Callen asks.
"I'm not really sure. Deeks came up here and said he thought this car was following him, so he gave me its plate. I typed it in and this name popped up." She showed the name back on the screen and it said "Gordon John Brandel".
"Who is that?" Sam asked.
"I don't know let me check." She typed in the name and read, "Gordon John Brandel was arrested for attempted murder. He was sent to prison for six years, and got out in 1998."
"Who did he try to kill?" Kensi asked
"His son Martin Brandel and Mary Brandel, his wife."
"So we just need to find them..." And before they can finish Deeks walks back in all tired and sweaty.
"You already know him."
"How do you know." Sam says meanly.
"Because I'm Martin Brandel." Silence filled the room until Hetty broke it.
"So Mr. Deeks would you mind telling us your and his "life" story." He took a deep breath waited about 2 minutes and then started with tears in his eyes.
"When i was born life was actually normal, my father actually cared about my mother and I. Then when I turned 2 , everything changed. I would get hit for crying or making any sound. Then my father would start getting drunk every other day and beat my mother and I until unconscious. He beat me so bad a couple times, he had to take me to the hospital, but he took me to a different one every time, so nobody suspected anything. When I was 11 I was walking home one day when I heard my mother scream and I bet my father would've killed her if I wasn't home. I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed a gun my friend Ray game me. I ordered him to stop, but that did nothing. He just looked at me and laughed.He started hitting me and knocked the gun out of my hands. He through me against the wall and I fell unconscious. When I woke a few minutes later, I say my father with a gun pointed at my mother. I ran and grabbed the gun, and shot." He paused for a second and looked around the room at all his team mates faces. They either had tears in their eyes or a straight face.
"I shot my father in the shoulder, then I ran, but before I could leave the house my father pointed his gun at me and hit me in the shoulder. I kept running to get as far as I could away from him. About 2 hours later, the police found me wondering the streets and took me to the hospital. I was in there for 2 weeks because 80% of my body was either bruised, burned, or cut. I was told my father was in jail and hoped I would never see him again. They also told me that my mother had passed because when I ran he shot and killed her. I blamed myself for weeks for my mothers death, and I still do today because if I didn't run..." He stopped and took a deep breath. "She might still be alive today. I was put in 12 different foster homes, until I was 14 and was finally adopted by Jack Deeks. I thought my father was dead until that named showed up." He said pointing at the screen,"That's why I ran. I thought and hoped that I would never have to face him again." He said sadly.
"So why didn't you ever tell us?! Why do we just know learn of this! You have worked on this team for 4 years and you just now tell us!" Sam yells.
Shocked, Deeks says,"I never thought it was that important and I tried to forget it. I used to have nightmares of him coming back, and I just didn't want other people to learn about the crappy family I came from. So you can either help me through it Sam, or you can be on your merry way and forget I even exist just like my father did to me! Do you want to know something?! My father never once told me I love you and the last thing he said to me was that he hated me and was going to get revenge! I already have enough to deal with, so just leave me alone!" Deeks yelled as he stormed out of Ops and out of the building.
"What were you thinking Sam! He just explained the most personal thing and you yell at him for not sharing! If you were abused, had a father try to kill you, and be fostered in 12 different homes in 3 years, would you share that?!"
"G im sorry I wasn't thinking..."
"No really" he said sarcastically.
"Gentlemen please. Stop. You can worry about that later, but now we have to worry about saving Mr. Deeks because Ms. Jones just got a message saying that Deeks got a message to meet his father at a park from someone's and if he doesn't, they said they will take Kensi, so we know he will go. He will need back up so I think you all should go get geared up. That meet in 2 hours so be ready in 1!" They all leave. Sam mad at himself for saying what he did, Callen mad for not learning about Deeks past earlier and not checking on his teammate, and Kensi worried about her partner safety.

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