XVIII. | Deprivation

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"You're worthless" Joshua's voice rang out. Kai couldn't stand how his father was taunting him

"Shut up!" Kai screamed

"You can't even protect her.. even after becoming the Coven leader.. you're still weak" Joshua spat out

"Shut the fuck up! I'm gonna kill you!" Kai yelled

"You couldn't even kill me if you tried. Come on, boy. Do it!" Joshua yelled as he revealed himself. A stake in Kai's hand as he rushed towards his father. He went to stab him in the chest only for Joshua to begin fighting back. With physical strength he was sure his father didn't have

"Look at you! You're weak!" Joshua taunted. Kai stared at the man with hatred. He fought against the man even harder, only for him to be pushed back. Kai fell on his back as the stake was ripped out of his hands and thrown across the room. Joshua's hand tapping Kai's face. He had been restrained. Joshua straddling him as he used one hand to hold both of Kai's hands hostage

"Baby, wake up.. wake up" Joshua's voice said, but it made no sense. Joshua didn't call him baby. What the hell was going on?

Kai's eyes opened and he saw a concerned Angelica staring at him. She had been the one to restrain him. He was on the floor of their living room. Nugget was busy cleaning herself, not giving a shit about what was going on. Kai's eyes widened

"I didn't.. no.." Kai trailed off in horror before he turned to see the wooden stake. He began shaking as he stared back at Angelica

"It's okay.. it's okay. You didn't hurt me. I told you, I'd be fine.." Angelica said as she let go of his hands. She placed a kiss on his cheek in attempt to comfort him. He sat up with her in his lap, however he didn't even notice

"Oh my God.. I did it again.. I had a stake this time.. I could've really.. oh my G-" Kai cut himself off as he suddenly shoved Angelica off and ran towards the bathroom. He kneeled in front of the toilet before he began puking last nights dinner up. His throat burned from the stomach acid. Angelica walked in and kneeled besides Kai. She rubbed his back, soothingly

"It's okay.. it's okay.. you're okay.. I'm okay" Angelica cooed as Kai began crying. He wailed as Angelica brought him into her arms

"Why is he doing this to me?! Why couldn't he have just loved me as kid?! Why?! What was so wrong with me?! I fucking can't! I try and try to fix my mistakes and.. and.. he's torturing me! Just like he always has!" Kai cried out as his body shook in her arms

"He's a sick and miserable man.. we will get revenge.. I'll make sure of it.. there was nothing wrong with you.. it was him" Angelica cooed before helping Kai up. He gripped the bathroom counter as he looked at himself in the mirror. He wiped his tears as he tried to calm himself. Angelica stood there by his side the entire time

Kai eventually brushed his teeth before he was led back to bed. Angelica laid against Kai, rubbing circles into his chest, trying to make him fall back asleep. However, she would be the only one who ended up falling asleep. Feeling secure in his embrace, she couldn't help it. But, Kai? He didn't go to sleep not once. He just stayed awake and stared at the ceiling. He wouldn't go back to sleep

Days had passed and he had zero sleep. He managed to appear normal to Angelica. She truly was unaware of his lack of sleep, and he intended to keep it that way. She was sleeping against his chest when her phone went off. He leaned over and grabbed it. He unlocked it and saw the texts

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