XVII. | Dreams

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Angelica was in a club dancing her ass off. She had just turned 21 and was extremely drunk. She clumsily danced as she bumped into other people. A hand was touching her waist and then her ass, but she didn't recognize it. She turned around confused, staring at some random older guy. He looked to be in his mid 30s. He bit his lip at her which made Angelica cringe

"I'm just gonna.. go" She slurred before trying to love away. His other hand moved to her waist and kept her where she was. Angelica glared at the man

"I thought.. I was.. pretty clear.." Angelica slurred out

"What was that pretty girl? You're slurring pretty bad.." The guy chuckled. She grabbed his hands and shoved them off, but he reattached them quickly after. Angelica lifted up her hand to send him flying but someone had beat her to it. A fist hit the man's face, forcing him to the ground. The hands of the random guy were replaced by the hands of someone she knew well. A drunk smile on her face as she turned to see Kai, the man she was in love with

"I thought you were away at college?! You're here! You came for me!" Angelica said as she stumbled into his chest, hugging. The older guy got up

"Hey?! What the fuck?! We were dancing!" The man yelled. Kai siphoned some magic from Angelica which made her lightly moan. Kai then lifted up his hand and sent the man flying across the club. Angelica was nuzzling her head into Kai's chest

"I missed you so much. I don't get to see you much anymore.. I was worried you'd forget about me.. you'd find someone better.." Angelica began crying. Kai almost felt bad for her, almost. He smirked as he looked down at his girl. He grabbed her jaw and forced her to look at him

"No one could ever replace you, honey" Kai said with his signature mischievous grin. It made Angelica's heart swell. She had missed him so much. Part of their therapy was spending time apart and it was so hard because all she wanted to do was be around him. She was genuinely happy he was here. That was the best birthday present she could've gotten-

Suddenly a sharp pain hit her chest. She was confused as she looked down. A knife in her chest. She began coughing up blood as her dress was becoming soaked. She looked at the hand, holding the knife. Her eyes traveled up their arm before she got to their face. It was Kai? She was confused as he smiled at her

"Baby, did you think I was telling you the truth? How naive are you? I don't need you and I certainly don't love you.. you were just another means to an end" Kai cooed as he cupped her cheek

Angelica opened her eyes to see Kai ontop of her. That's when she felt that pain in her chest. The blood dripping down her mouth. Her eyes went wide as she saw Kai stabbing her in the chest with a knife. She couldn't understand what was happening. His eyes were closed and his face was clearly frustrated. Angelica could tell that he wasn't trying to kill her, because he would've used wood if he wanted to

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