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District Three had always been a wildcard in the Games. Though their tributes were always highly intelligent, they had yet to produce a winner. A lot of the former tributes had made it to the top eight from their creative usage of weapons and their ability to outsmart their opponents. Being assigned to a tribute from District Three could be interesting.

Calpurnia was almost thrilled about the assignment, until she learned who her partner would be.

"Urban Canville," read Dean Highbottom.

Calpurnia squeezed Livia and Vipsania's hands. She had history with Urban Canville. Last year he had asked her out, and she had agreed for some reason.

The date started out fine. They had dinner together at a nice restaurant. Urban was insufferable, constantly talking about his accomplishments, without giving Calpurnia a chance to speak, but it was a free meal. After dinner, Calpurnia made the mistake of stopping by his apartment. She had never felt so violated as she had that night. After that, she tended to avoid Urban as much as possible. Until now.

Calpurnia hid her concerns in the back of her mind as she listened to the rest of the placements. Persephone Price and Festus were assigned to the boy and girl from District Four, respectively. Vipsania received the boy from District Seven. Clemensia was almost as lucky as Livia, as she was assigned to the boy from District Eleven, another possible contender. And still, Coryo had yet to be announced.

As Lysistrata Vickers was given the boy from District Twelve, there was only one tribute left. Calpurnia felt her face widen into a smile as the Dean made one final announcement.

"And last but least, District Twelve girl. She belongs to Coriolanus Snow."

Calpurnia knew Coryo would be upset by this. She had anticipated him getting a more honorable selection. She wondered why this wasn't the case.

As all of the mentors had received their assignments, all of the students stood and began to chat amongst themselves. Calpurnia and her friends rose and clustered together.

"District One? That's lucky," said Vipsania to Livia.

"I know," she said. "I guess all of my hard work paid off. And District Seven? That will be interesting."

"I hope so," said Vipsania.

"And Coriolanus? He must be furious right now," laughed Livia.

"But what about you, Callie?" asked Clemensia. "Three isn't bad, but with Urban?"

"Shit, I didn't even think about that," said Vipsania. "I mean, surely the dean knows what happened."

"In case you haven't noticed, Sani, the Dean isn't really coherent enough," said Calpurnia. "And besides, everyone thinks we just hooked up. Urban made sure of that."

"He's disgusting," said Livia.

"Agreed," said Vipsania. "Do you want to switch with me? Because I can deal with him."

Calpurnia shook her head. "Thanks, Vipsania. But I can put up with him. It's just a few days, and we don't technically have to work with our partners."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"I'm sure," said Calpurnia.

She tried to convince herself that she was. What happened with Urban was in the past. Sure, she had never trusted a man in the same way since, but it was over. She should move on. Maybe being forced to work with him was what she needed. Besides, she knew her friends were more than willing to step in if needed.

A screen at the front of the hall was revealed to show the reaping ceremony broadcast. It aired live for Capitol citizens to watch, beginning with District Twelve and moving west. That would leave District Three at around fourth or fifth.

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