15: Protests

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-P I P E R-

Piper, Newt, and Thomas had ran out of bullets so resorted to a small explosion to kill the remaining WCKD soldiers. The three still hadn't found Minho, and it was getting rather dangerous now that Janson had called for more back-up, but they weren't giving up.

"You three! Freeze!" An armed guard shouted, causing the trio to stop in their tracks. The guard raised his gun, however before he could pull the trigger, he was tackled against the wall and repeatedly punched by Minho.

The guard was thrown through the window, shards of glass smashing onto the floor, as Minho yelled in anger. The boy looked drained- his usual smirk and persona had faded away from being tortured by WCKD. Piper couldn't imagine the stuff they did to him for six months.

The trio hugged Minho tightly, as the confused boy frowned at them, "Is this real?"

"Yeah." Piper nodded, a smile beaming on her face as she kept her hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"Freeze!" A guard sprinted round the corner, causing the four to sprint down the corridors. Piper had caught a glimpse of Janson, who was now also chasing after them within the crowd of soldiers.

However, the four locked themselves into a room away from the threats lurking outside. Janson's voice shouted from the other side of the door, as he punched it repeatedly in anger.

Piper frowned at the sudden silence, there was no more shouting coming from the other side of the door. She asked curiously, "Do you think he's gone?"

Abruptly, amber sparks flew off the metal door, as a drilling sound buzzed from the other side. Piper's question was answered- Janson wasn't giving up.

Minho questioned, "Any ideas?"

Piper glanced at Thomas, who was staring out of the large window that was hundreds of stories above the ground. Thomas answered doubtfully, "Maybe."

"No! No, Thomas." Piper refused, watching as Thomas and Minho smashed the large window with a metal object. They all watched it fall hundreds of feet into a pool beneath them- Newt and Piper shared the same worried expression.

Thomas reassured, "It's doable. We just need a little running start."

"Are you sure about this?" Minho frowned in concern.

Thomas took a breath of worry, "Not really."

"Nice pep talk." Minho remarked sassily.

Newt added sarcastically, "Yeah, we're all bloody inspired."

"This is suicide." Piper panicked, "I'm not doing it. Seriously, I'm not kidding-"

Suddenly, the door as barged open by the guards and Janson, as the four turned around to them in shock. Thomas and Newt jumped first, as Minho grabbed Piper's wrist and ran off the edge with her.

Minho yelled, "Thomas!"

Her stomach turned, and she could've sworn she felt all of her organs move. Piper's body squirmed in the air, her arms and legs kicking and flaying around as if she expected to fly. Piper screamed all the way down until she hit the water forcefully- her body stinging from the splash.

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