Chapter 4

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"Effie" Harry and his friends ran up to her as she was talking to Jackson

"Hey" Effie smiled "What's going on?"

"Why didn't you tell me that our dad was a seeker?" Harry asked

"Guess it slipped my mind" Effie shrugged "Dad was Gryffindors seeker from the 2nd year all the way to his 6th year and he was captain"

"What about 7th year?" Ron asked

"When Voldemort was rising to power, our parents joined a group of people to help stop him" Effie explained, not missing the gasps from Hermione and Ron and other people around here after hearing the name come out of Effie's mouth

"I've gotta go to the library, don't do anything stupid until I get back" Effie smiled

"How can I?" Harry replied "You're taking all the stupid with you"

"Ha" Effie rolled her eyes with a smile "Just don't get into trouble"

Effie walked away to the library and found an empty table, she placed her stuff on the table and walked around looking for books to take notes on, after she found some books, she sat back down at her table and began reading through them, taking notes in her notebook

"Effie" Nicolas groaned as he sat down and let his head drop onto the table

"What's wrong with you?" Effie asked, still writing notes

"For the first time ever, I just got rejected. How does that even happen?" Nicolas complained throwing his hands in the air "Have they not seen me?"

"Feed your own ego, Nick. I'm busy" Effie rolled her eyes before looking up in confusion "Who'd you even ask out?"

"Ella Boot" Nicolas rolled his eyes with a huff

"She's gay" Effie frowned "Did you not know that?" she laughed

"She's gay?" Nicolas asked "Oh thank fuck, I thought it was me, but it's only cause I'm not a girl"

"Jesus Christ" Effie mumbled

"Who?" Nicolas asked, obviously never hearing that expression

Effie rolled her eyes and looked at him "You're distracting me, go smoke weed with Silas"

"Done" Nicolas said and ran out of the library leaving Effie to study in peace

After studying for an hour, Effie packed up and made her way to the great hall. Her friends were already there so she down next to Silas, while Jackson and Nicolas were on the opposite side of them

"How was studying?" Jackson asked, filling his plate with dinner

"It was good until I was interrupted" Effie smiled at Nicolas who only rolled his eyes

"In my defense, I was heartbroken" Nicolas held up his hands

The four friends joked and laughed until Professor Quirrel ran into the Great Hall screaming like a mad man "Troll! In the dungeon!"

Effie head whipped up from her dinner so hard she might've gotten whiplash

"Troll in the dungeon!" Quirrel screamed before he passed out in the middle of the Great Hall

The school erupted into chaos, before Dumbledores voice boomed "Silence! Everyone with please not panic. Now..prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons"

Effie quickly stood up and searched for her brother through out the crowd

"Effie!" Nicolas yelled after her, realizing she was going to opposite way to the Slytherin Dorms

Effie quickly found Harry and Ron running to the dungeons and she followed them "Harry!" Effie yelled

"Fuck" Nicolas mumbled, he separated from his friends and ran after Effie

Effie ran after her brother and his friends only to see them stood still in the middle of the dungeon corridors "Harry!" Effie whispered-yelled

Harry turned around and gulped when he saw his sister "Effie! Hermione's in there, she doesn't know"

"Fuck" Effie looked around "Okay, come on" Effie dragged the two boys behind a pillar and hid them, she watched the troll walk into the girls bathroom

"Effie! What the fuck!" Nicolas puffed once he caught up with her "Oh" he mumbled, seeing the troll

Effie heard a loud commotion and then a scream, she ran into the girls bathroom with Nicolas following her "You two stay there" Nicolas ordered the two boys

Effie's eyes widened as she saw the troll "Hermione, move!" Harry yelled from behind

"Harry! Get out of here" Effie yelled at her brother

The troll destroyed all the bathroom stalls, leaving Hermione trapped under the wooden shards

Effie and Nicolas were stuck in their places as Ron and Harry threw wood at the troll, Ron hit the troll in the head, distracting it for a second so Hermione could get under the sinks

"Help!" Hermione yelled as the troll destroyed a sink just above her

Before Effie could think, Harry ran up to the troll and grabbed the log in its hand and was lifted up to the trolls head

"Harry!" Effie yelled in a panic as Harry stuck his wand up the trolls nose. The troll sneezed sending Harry flying off and into the trolls grasp

"Jesus!" Effie yelled before pulling out her wand and pointing it all the troll "Glacius!"

The troll froze and Harry was still dangling from its hold, Nicolas quickly grabbed Harry and pulled him to the floor after Harry had grabbed his wand. Hermione, Harry, and Ron ran behind Nicolas as Effie kept her wand pointed at the troll "Delpuso!"

The troll disappeared from the bathrooms just as Snape, McGonogall, and Quirrel ran in

"Oh my goodness" McGonogall panted once she saw the 5 kids and a destroyed bathroom

"Where is it?" McGonogall asked

"Back where it belongs" Effie replied, putting her wand back into her robes

"Explain yourselves! All of you!" McGonogall yelled

"Well" Harry started

"It's my fault, Professor McGonogall" Hermione spoke up, Effie furrowed her eyebrows

"Miss Granger?"

"I went looking for the troll, I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Effie and Nicolas hadn't come looking for Harry and Ron, I'd probably be dead" Hermione lied, causing Nicolas to smile faintly

"Be that as it may. It was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behavior on your part and I am very disappointed in you, Miss Granger" McGonogall scolded "5 points will be taken from Gryffindor"

"As for you two" McGonogall said to Harry and Ron "I just hope you know how fortunate you are to have both Miss Potter, and Mister Malfoy"

"You three may go, I'd like to have a word with these two" McGonogall said to the three first years. They nodded and ran out, leaving Effie and Nicolas alone

"As for you, Miss Potter. I suppose I should have expected you to get into trouble, considering you are indeed a Potter and take after your father. 5 points to Slytherin" McGonogall said "For risking your life to protect three first years"

Snape rolled his eyes and walked out with Quirrel

"Thanks, Minnie. Now, excuse me. I have to yell at my idiotic brother" Effie smiled before walking out of the bathroom with Nicolas

McGonogall smiled sadly as the girl left. She was a spitting image of her father, both her looks and her behavior. Effie often reminded McGonogall of James, and it was bittersweet, she would never admit it, but she missed the pranks that James and his friends had played, but when Effie befriended Jackson, Silas, and Nicolas, it was like James, Peter, Sirius, and Remus never left.

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