|Chapter Ten|

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I still hadn't told Tara about me and Johnnie, and he still hadn't told Jake. I was honestly scared to tell Tara, and I didn't really know why. I knew Tara would be happy for me, but I still couldn't help it.

I'm pacing my room, thinking about how I'm gonna tell Tara. I'm texting Johnnie as well, trying to plan it out. I can feel myself beginning to panic, and feeling dumb because of it.

Johnnie 🖤: You're probably overthinking it, you just have to tell her

Me: Easy for you to say!!!
Me: You still haven't told Jake, so I don't wanna hear it

Johnnie 🖤: Fair enough
Johnnie 🖤: Do you wanna tell them together maybe? Could be easier

Me: How would we do that???

Johnnie 🖤: Idk
Johnnie 🖤: We could all 4 go somewhere together or something

Me: I suppose so, I'm just so scareddd

Johnnie 🖤: It'll be worth it I promise, just relax love 🖤

I smile at my phone as I read the last message Johnnie sent, reading it several times before putting my phone down on my bed. I take a deep breath, walking out of my room to go find Tara.

I find her in the kitchen, munching on a salad with Sugar at her feet. I take another deep breath, walking to the fridge. "Hey pooks! How's your day going?" Tara asks, setting her phone down in front of her. I grab out the apple juice to pour myself a glass, and flash her a big smile.

"Going alright so far, just a bit boring." Tara hums in response, nodding in agreement. "Oh! Johnnie invited us out with him and Jake by the way." Tara shoves another bite of salad into her mouth, giving me a look.

"Don't look at me like that!" I feel my cheeks flush a bright red, and I cover my mouth with my hand. Tara giggles mischievously "So, when are you and Johnnie getting together?" She teases, dragging out the 'O'

I wave my hand "Oh shush! I'll get there when I'm ready." I sip my juice, feeling a ball of anxiety inside my chest. "Well you better get there soon! Time is ticking girl" She jokes, clicking her tongue.

I laugh softly, finishing my juice and setting my cup in the sink. "We should probably get ready." Tara puts her bowl in the sink "Changing the subject, huh?" I shrug and walk to my room, ignoring her teasing.

I just put on an old graphic T, my favorite pair of baggy black cargo pants, and slip on my converse. I decide against makeup for today, and mess with my hair a bit before ultimately deciding to leave it down.

I get a text from Johnnie saying he's on his way, and I put my phone in my pocket. I walk out to the living room, sitting down on the couch with Sugar.

Tara comes out of her room, and immediately picks Sugar up. I laugh softly "You're gonna get dog fur on you, Tar." She shrugs "Worth it." She says, giving Sugar a kiss on the top of his head. I get a text from Johnnie saying they're here, and Tara and I head out to them. Tara sits up front with Jake, and I sit in the back with Johnnie.

Johnnie smiles softly at me, sending butterflies through my stomach. "You look nice." He says softly, and I feel my cheeks flush. "You always say that." He laughs softly "Maybe because you always look nice?" Johnnie rests his hand near mine, and we lock pinkies. He rests his chin in his other hand, and looks out the window.

We're walking around downtown chatting about our weeks and upcoming things we're excited about, and I notice Johnnie watching me the entire time.

A shop catches my attention, and I drag Johnnie inside with me. He laughs softly, gently squeezing my hand. A shelf full of stuffed animals is practically calling my name, and I excitedly walk over to it.

A specific one catches my eye, and it's a giant Orca. I have a huge obsession with marine life, but Orcas especially have a special place in my heart. Johnnie grabs it off the shelf, and turns to me.

"Let me buy it for you." He flashes me a soft smile "You don't have to, I can buy it myself!" He waves his hand and walks over to the register "I wanna buy it for you though." I sigh in defeat, and he pays for the Orca before handing it to me. "I wanna make you smile." He says, kissing the top of my head.

I hug the Orca tightly, smiling up at him "Thank you." He grabs my hand, squeezing it gently "You're welcome love." We walk out of the shop together, hand in hand. Tara looks from me to Johnnie, and then looks to our hands. "So like, are y'all fucking or something?" Jake asks, half joking.

Johnnie shrugs "Maybe." I lightly punch his arm, and he laughs. Tara's jaw drops "Wait... Are you serious!?" I laugh nervously "I wanted to tell you, I just got anxious!" Tara wraps her arms around me, and hugs tightly. "I'm so happy for you!"

"It's about damn time." Jake teases. Johnnie wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He kisses the top of my head, making my heart skip. I laugh softly, smiling up at him. "Ew, get a room." Jake jokes, and Johnnie laughs.

Tara demands I give her all the details, and I can't help but laugh. Johnnie keeps his hand on my waist as we start walking again, still keeping his eyes on me.

We finally get back to the house, and Jake immediately goes to the kitchen to look for alcohol. Tara follows him, leaving me and Johnnie alone. Johnnie's arm slinks around my waist again, as he plants a kiss on my cheek. I feel my cheeks flush, and I laugh nervously.

I walk to my room to put the Orca down, and Johnnie follows me. He wraps his arms around me from behind, burying his face in my neck. I let out a content sigh, leaning back into his embrace.

"I'm tired." Johnnie mumbles sleepily, squeezing me gently. I pull away from him, walking to my bed. I situate my bed to make some space, and lay down.

Johnnie lays beside me, a big smile forming on his face. He pulls me close to him, and I lay my head against his chest. "Are we really about to fall asleep, in these clothes?" Johnnie nods, laughing at himself.

I curl up, pulling the blankets over us both. I sigh contently, feeling my body get heavier. Johnnie lays his hand on my head, running his fingers through my hair gently.

Emo Boy (Johnnie Guilbert x F!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now