|Chapter Seven|

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Tonight was the night I was supposed to go out with Johnnie, and I was panicking. I want to look nice, I want to smell nice, and I'm so scared I'll make a fool of myself.

I'm pacing my room when Tara walks in, and I'm too busy in my own thoughts to even notice. "Y/n!" Tara yelling at me finally catches my attention, and I sigh. "Are you ok??" She sounds genuinely worried as she takes both my hands in hers.

I shake my head quickly, trying to gather my thoughts. "What's going on?" She softens her tone, and sits down with me on my bed. "Don't freak out. But, I have a date tonight." Her face lights up instantly, and she squeezes my hands. "With who!?" I laugh softly "Johnnie." She stops for a moment, her lips curving into a mischievous grin.

I lightly push her, laughing as I turn away. Tara gives me a big hug "I'm so happy for you!! That's so exciting." She squeezes my hands again and stands up. "I'm just so terrified. What if I mess it up?" I nervously play with my hands, sheepishly hanging my head. Tara crosses her arms "You won't, I know that much." I smile up at her.

She helps me pick out an outfit, and even says she'll do my makeup for me. The outfit is a short, slick, skin tight, silky, sparkly dress with criss cross straps, paired with a silky black cardigan, some fishnet stockings, and a nice pair of black heels. Tara helps me with my makeup, making it darker to match my outfit.

"You. Look. Stunning. Absolutely drop dead gorgeous." Tara covers her mouth with her hands. I can't help but giggle, basking in Tara's compliments. I check myself out in my standing mirror, admiring my body for once. I like how the dress hugs my curves, and the black is a great contrast against my pale skin, and most importantly I was happy the cardigan hid my scars.

I turn to Tara with a huge grin on my face "I look amazing. Thank you for helping." She gives me a big hug, and I sigh contently. My phone starts to buzz, and the panic sets in again. I take a few deep breaths, and check it. Tara stands beside me, her excitement eminent on her face as she peers over at my screen.

Johnnie 🥰: Heyy

Johnnie 🥰: Are you still down for going out tonight??

Me: Yeah ofc!

Me: I'm actually ready whenever you are

Johnnie 🥰: Sick I'll be there in 20 :))

I turn my phone off, putting it in the pocket of my cardigan. I turn to Tara, and immediately start panicking again. She takes my hands in hers, and helps me take deep breaths. "You'll do great, hun. I know you will." She smiles up at me "He likes you, so just be you."

I try to let Tara's words sink in, but I still can't help feeling nervous. I nervously play with the sleeves of my cardigan while I wait for Johnnie, and anxiously chew on my lip. I check my phone again, and notice a message from Johnnie saying he's here. Tara grabs me and looks me directly in the eyes "You've got this. Now go kick ass!" I can't help but giggle as I walk out the door.

As I walk outside, I see Johnnie on his phone waiting for me. As soon as he notices me, he gives me a toothy grin and puts his phone away. He looks me up and down, his eyes lingering on my lips for a moment. He clears his throat, a deep blush crossing his cheeks "You look..." He pauses for a moment, looking me up and down again "Amazing."

I can feel my cheeks heat up, and I anxiously chew on my lip again. "You look really nice too." I smile before sheepishly looking down. He calls an Uber for us, and we awkwardly wait. He reaches his hand over, brushing his pinky against mine. I lock my pinky with his, and he smiles down at me. "I'm really glad you asked me out."

"I'm happy you said yes." He laughs softly, and I can't help but laugh too. The Uber finally arrives, and Johnnie opens the car door for me. As he gets in his leg brushes mine, and I can feel my cheeks get warmer. He rests his hand beside him, and rests his chin in his other hand. My fingers brush his, and he moves his hand closer to me so I can hold it. I intertwine my fingers with his, and he turns to me with a smile.

Johnnie's hands are warm and soft, and it gives me butterflies. He draws circles on my hand with his thumb, and it gives me goosebumps. He laughs softly, and I turn away in embarrassment.

We had eaten dinner together, and were now walking around downtown. We didn't know what we were doing, or even where we were going, we were really just enjoying each other's company. Johnnie kept making jokes every chance he got, and I couldn't help but laugh at every single one.

My feet are starting to hurt from the heels, but I'm trying to not let it show. Johnnie must have noticed tho, because he stops and turns to me. "You ok?" I laugh nervously "Yeah, just the heels." I say looking down at my feet. "Do you wanna stop for a bit?"

"Could we?" He laughs softly and sits down on a bench nearby, I sit next to him and take my heels off. The heels had dug into my skin so bad I was bleeding a bit, and my dumbass didn't bring band AIDS. "Ouch, that looks bad." I laugh nervously "Yeah, it feels as bad as it looks."

Johnnie pulls out his phone "We can go back to your place, so you can get those heels off." I rest my hand on his arm "Are you sure?" He nods, smiling at me. "I mean... If you really don't want this date to end." He teases, pausing for a moment. "I can stay over for a bit, and we can watch a movie." I beam with excitement, and he laughs softly.

We get back, and as soon as I step instead I immediately take those stupid heels off. I breathe a sigh of relief, and Johnnie takes his jacket off. We walk to my room, and he sits on my bed while I get pajamas ready. "Are you sure? I'd feel bad if I'm getting comfortable, and you're stuck in that."

He shrugs "I don't mind, get comfy." He smiles at me, and I sigh. I head to the bathroom to change, changing into a baggy black band t and some comfy black and white shorts. I walk back into my room, and Johnnie is on his phone.

I sit down next to him, and he turns his phone off setting it next to him. "So, what do you wanna watch?" I hum, trying to think. "Oh! Let's watch IT." I clap my hands together in excitement, and he nods. We sit together watching IT, and we're chatting the entire time.

I lean on him, intertwining my fingers with his. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in closer and leaning his head on mine. I feel safe, I feel content, I feel happy. Johnnie is so perfect, and I find myself not wanting this moment to ever end.

Emo Boy (Johnnie Guilbert x F!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now