2. A night of deceit.

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~~Later that day, 10:47 PM~~

Lillian sighed in contempt as the hot shower warmed up her ice-cold body later that night...So, boys keep staring at me and sniffing me, my body temperature is dropping, and I'm just supposed to let this happen?  she thinks bitterly.

 After a few minutes of the hot water beating down on her, she decided enough was enough and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a huge towel as she walked to her room not even bothering to cover herself since she was almost one-hundred percent sure Brenda was at one of her 'Admirers' houses and would probably sneak in at one o'clock in the morning drunk out of her mind and sleepy. This was very usual.

But, as she was about to close her bedroom door she heard a loud 'Thump' come from downstairs...Brenda?

Lillian squinted almost in disbelief at the noise, before closing her door and throwing on an old nightgown that looked more like a hospital gown because of how white it was. 

She bit her lip anxiously, waiting for the sound of Brenda's door to close with an unintentional 'SLAM'. But the sound never came. Lillian cracked open her door after a minute, and could feel someone's presence...someone was close. Someone was in her house. Lillian shivered at the thought...and also because she was once again freezing.

Another 'Thump' startled Lillian so much, that she fell backwards onto the hardwood floor. If someone is in the house, i'm dead.

"NO! I'm not letting you come in, Jeff!"

Lillian sighed in relief, standing up from off the floor relieved to hear her sister's voice for once. "BECAUSE JEFF! SHE ISN'T INTERESTED." the front door slammed and soon after so did Brenda's door. 


 The first thing that Derrick noticed walking up to the old brick victorian was the size. Houses were either huge, or tiny as far as he was concerned. But this house seemed to be the perfect size, and the perfect color, to blend in with all the other houses as if that was what the builder wanted; normality. Stability-

Like a vampire in denial.

Flashback:Newyork, 1920.

"Do you come round' here often, honey?"

Derrick sighed from up on his bar stool, continuing to drink heavily not wanting to get into a conversation with a pretty girl who would only remind him of Viviette...all woman deceive, he reminded himself.

Eventually, the hands of the woman poked at him and he was forced to face her. The woman wore a golden flapper dress, with a white feather gently held up only by her thick strands of blonde hair. Okay, this woman is gorgeous Derrick admitted to himself. 

"I said, do you come round' here often, honey?"

Derrick cringed at the woman narrowing his blue eyes. "I heard you, Ma'm." he muttered taking a swig from his bottle.

The woman instead of scoffing and walking away insulted laughed merrily at him before squinting her green eyes at the bottle he held.

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