Julio Nelson-spring

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From a young age, Julio started to show some natural curiosity and longing for adventures and knowledge. He would spend several hours over collecting books from his favourite book series Percy Jackson , he was also curious of stories about outside lands and ancient civilizations in Egypt. Nick and Charlie encouraged his love for learning, taking him on trips to museums and libraries, to let his mind adhd mind blossom.
When Julio started to get older, he discovered a passion for taking care of his family and other people when they get hurt. He would instantly go and get this spare first aid kit if someone got injured after a fight or an injury, each day Nick and Charlie found Julio looking at videos on how to take cure of someone sick or someone injured that was providing him with the tools and and information and encouragement he needed to save people's life. As Julio continued to grow up into adult , he faced some typical challenges and things that come with life growing up,, with the support Julio have from his parents, they navigated these obstacles and was there for Julio while he conquered it with resilience and determination getting stronger and more confident after going through those obstacles and challenges. Now as a young adult, Julio continued to pursue his hobbies and dreams, being encouraged by the love from his family. With his heart full of hope and a creative adhd brain that always giving Julio many ideas and possibilities, he looks towards his future with some excitement, he eager to make the world a better place one day in a way. Despite Julio's young age, he displayed maturity and empathy beyond his years. He also had a natural gift for understanding others and he would often lend a listening ear to those who needed someone to talk to and the ones in need. Julio's kindness and compassion for people around him lives made his parents proud of him making him earn some respect and admiration from his peers in the end.

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