eight: drama starter

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(jasminemayhopee changed to jasminevale)

TIME SKIP 6 MONTHS(jasminemayhopee changed to jasminevale)

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view tagged account: jasminevalewalkerscobell: happy 6 months to my gorgeous girl

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view tagged account: jasminevale
walkerscobell: happy 6 months to my gorgeous girl. i love you forever and always 🫶
liked by jasminevale leahsavajefferies and 649.8k others

jasminevale i love you
walkerscobell i love you more ml

leahsavajefferies cuties i miss u both
walkerscobell we miss u
     jasminevale yess we haven't hung out since filming ended but we'll see u for press dw girl

aubreyrose awh you guys are so cute!
walkerscobell thank aubs
     jasminevale no way...

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(with aubrey)

hey girl i know it's been a minute but i wanted to apologize for what happened, i mean the whole fight was childish and i'm really sorry about what i did to you jasmine like really and was wondering if you wanted to be friends again? if not i get it girl

hey aubrey
yeah it's been a minute since we've talked. and honestly i'm sorry for my actions too, the fight was pretty childish, and i except your apology we can be friends again!!

yay!! also i'm having a party at my house for the beginning of summer since school's out. you and walker are invited

i'll get back to you on that i gotta ask walker and can  some other friends come tol like leah, dior, aryan, and charlie or is that too like many...

yeah ofc girl that's fine dw
some other actors you may know are gonna be there like brady, xochtil, and then brady's brother connor

(on facetime with walker)

IT WAS 9:30 AND I WAS EXTREMELY BORED i decided i would facetime walker, i mean i needed to talk to him about aubrey's party anyways so why not call him. big mistake. i was laying in bed when i clicked the call button and he immediately answered, with the same bored expression on his face.

"hey pretty girl what's up" he said. ugh that nickname gets me everytime.

"oh i just needed to talk to you about something."

"okay well what is it??"

"basically this girl i used to be best friends with aubrey, which i'm assuming you know her cause she commented on your insta... but anyways she apologized for our fight from lile forever ago and invited us to her party in a couple weeks once school gets out. i was thinking i could be an excuse to see you too, you could drive down from pennsylvania to dc!" i told him the whole thing, making sure that he knew i was questioning that he knew her.

"are you sure you wanna go to your ex best friends party?? i mean i would LOVE you see you pretty girl but i don't know if that's the best idea. if you go though i'll go" he said completely ignoring that he knows her, which irritated me to some degree.

"yeah i'm gonna go." i said

"then i will too." he replied

"well i gotta go my love, my mom is done with dinner since we just got home. i'll call you later okay?"

"okay walks i'll call u later, i love you"

he hung up.

what was up with walker. he didn't respond about how he knew aubrey, and he didn't say i love you. i needed to think, so i grabbed my airpods and played music. the archer by taylor swift is what i decided to play. i sat there thinking for a bit. about why walker was being off, thinking about how weird it was that aubrey JUST reached out after commenting on walkers insta post. and then it hit me. before walker started dating, he mentioned a girl and i saw him texting someone named aubrey on his phone. it's gotta be her. there's no doubt. the thought of this made me stomach uneasy and i curled up in a ball. that's how i stayed the rest of the night until i fell asleep.

you've recieved a love letter from chlo! 💭

guys this is acc a really sad vol so prepare urselfs

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