Wave Arc 2

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As the mist cleared, Naruto looked around, but Zabuza and Haku were nowhere to be found. The genin and Jonin got on guard, unsure of what had just transpired.

"Where did they go?" Sakura asked, scanning the area with a mixture of fear and confusion.

"They must have escaped using some sort of jutsu," Kakashi deduced, his Sharingan eye scanning the surroundings for any sign of their enemies.

Asuma grunted in frustration. "We can't let them get away. They'll only come back stronger if we don't finish this now."

"Let them be" Naruto

With Zabuza and Haku having escaped, the leaf ninja prioritized their primary mission of escorting Tazuna safely to his destination. With a collective sigh of relief, they decided to continue their journey and ensure Tazuna reached his home unharmed.

The genin gathered around Naruto, their curiosity piqued by his remarkable strength. Ino, voicing the question on everyone's mind, asked, "Naruto, how did you become so strong?"

Naruto, with a mischievous grin, responded, "Oh, you know, I made a deal with the devil." Sakura and Ino exchanged worried glances, taking his jest more seriously than intended.

Kiba, rolling his eyes, said, "Cut it out with the jokes, Naruto. Seriously, how did you do become so strong?"

"After I left the academy, I didn't just laze around. I trained. Hard," he explained. "I learned kenjutsu from Hayate-Sensei and his girlfriend Yugao-Sensei. And then there was wind release techniques from Asuma-Sensei."

The others looked on, impressed and surprised by the revelation. Naruto continued, "Kurenai-Sensei helped me with chakra control, genjutsu, and even how to cancel out genjutsu. It wasn't easy, but I was determined to get stronger."

Ino,Sakura, Hinata, and Kiba listened intently, each processing the determination and hard work Naruto had put into his training.

Sakura asks Naruto, why he received special training.

Sakura's question hung in the air, sparking an unexpected and intense curiosity among the group. Sasuke's expression turned sour, a hint of jealousy evident as he grappled with the fact that Naruto received such specialized training. He couldn't help but wonder why he, a recognized prodigy of the Uchiha clan, hadn't been afforded the same opportunity.

Kakashi, sensing the growing tension and confusion, decided it was time to reveal a piece of Naruto's past that had been kept from most of his peers. Shikamaru and Choji, who were part of this hidden chapter of Naruto's life, looked away, their faces etched with discomfort and guilt as they remembered the painful event.

"The reason Naruto dropped out of the academy," Kakashi began, "stems from the test you all took two years ago in the forest of death. Naruto, along with Shikamaru and Choji, were part of a team. During the test, they were ambushed by assassins from the Hidden Stone Village."

The genin, now listening intently, were taken aback by the revelation. Kakashi continued, "These weren't ordinary ninja; they were seasoned assassins sent with a specific target in mind: Naruto. Because of his unique situation."

Kakashi paused, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in. "In the battle, Naruto lost his arm while protecting Choji and Shikamaru. The severity of the attack and its implications forced the Hokage to reassess Naruto's situation."

The others, now understanding the gravity of what Naruto had gone through, looked at him with a mix of shock, sympathy, and respect. Kakashi added, "To ensure his safety and to prepare him for the dangers that still lie ahead, the Hokage arranged for Naruto to receive special training."

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