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When they got back Iruka resumed class.

The students turned their attention away from Naruto and focused on the lesson.

Kiba wasn't in the right state of mind to focus on the lesson. He was still shaken from the battle.

Akamaru was feeling the same as his master.

Hinata stared at her crush. "Naruto's amazing " She thought

Naruto and Choji were eating snacks while Shikamaru was playing shogi with Shikaku.

After eating quite a bit Naruto decided to take a nap.

Naruto wasn't able to.

''Naruto when are you going to do your research on the first Hokage." Choji

"Oh I almost forgot about that." Naruto

"Iruka-Sensei would have given you a earful." Shikamaru said before moving a piece on the board

"What's this about research on the first Hokage." Shikaku

"It's his punishment for sleeping in class." Choji

"Naruto" Yoshino said with a scary expression

Naruto laughed nervously.

Naruto got hit on the head a couple of times.

"Uncle Shikaku can you tell me everything you know about the first Hokage." Naruto said while rubbing his head

"If you want to know about the first Hokage. You should ask lord third. He was the student of lord first." Shikaku

"So the old man was the student of the first Hokage. Damn that old man is ancient" Naruto

Yoshino scolded Naruto for calling Hiruzen old man.

Naruto told her it was fine considering the old man didn't have a problem with it.

"Naruto why did you close your eyes during the fight with Kiba" Shikamaru

"That was just to give Kiba a handicap." Naruto

Knowing that it was a lie Shikamaru didn't press him for answers.

After a while Naruto and Choji left.

Naruto went straight to Hiruzen's office.

"Oh Naruto-kun what brings you here." Naruto

"Old man I heard you were the student of the first Hokage. I was wondering if you could me about him." Naruto

"Why would he want to know about sensei" Hiruzen wondered

"May I ask why you want to know about Hashirama-Sensei" Hiruzen

"Iruka-Sensei told me I had to do some research on him. Tomorrow I have to report everything I learned about the first Hokage to him and the class." Naruto

"I see. Why don't you take a seat. This is gonna take a while." Hiruzen

Hiruzen told Naruto almost everything about Hashirama. He almost let it slip that they were distant relatives.

"Thanks for the help old man." Naruto

"No problem. I enjoyed our talk." Hiruzen smiled

Their conversation was great distraction from his paperwork.

Naruto got up to leave.

"Naruto if you have any other questions or if something is bothering. Don't be afraid to come see me." Hiruzen

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