Prolouge - consequences.

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"Kuu - chan! Wake up!"
"Kuu - chan? Hello?"
Ignoring kurumi's calls, only the deafening silence remains
"Whats wrong honey?"
Kuniharu asked while having a toast in his mouth, unaware of the atmosphere
Kurumi, trying to not worry her husband, turned back to reassure him.
"Its nothing, its just that kusuo's been kinda weird today."
"Kusuo? Maybe its puberty?"
Kuniharu jokingly suggested, waving his hands around
Caught on the situation, he apologized.


In a very ordinary room upstairs, with normal furniture and things. Lies a not very ordinary 10 year old child. That child is Saiki Kusuo, a psychic.
Saiki with his eyes wide open, just had woken up from a precognition dream. Its contents are...interesting to say the least.
The news had just recently caught on multiple cases of individuals having superpowers all across the world, with the first one discovered in China, interviewing the people, they said there are many more superhumans out there who got superpowers years ago. It was kept away from the public from the government and the superhumans are being analyzed. But the amount of people having a superpower outburst has increased since then, resulting information leakage. With many people now developing superpowers - or as how we now call them - quirks, the appearance of them will now be considered normal. All citizens whom decided to use their quirks must have a license or be approved my local authorities.
But some doesnt use them for good, they cause trouble with their new founding power, they are called "villains". The most known organization of villains are the "League Of Villains" or LOV. But with villains there comes heroes, because now a self proclaimed hero named "All Might" has declared that he will protect all of Japan from the LOV.

Thats basically what the dream is, a news broadcast, about..Quirks.
The precognitive dream soon became reality as he heard his family members panicked as they randomly got weird powers, while a news broadcast was playing.

"AHH!! W-WHY AM I SO STRONG?!" - Kurumi shouted loud enough to be heard from upstairs
[Kusuo! Is this your doing!?]
"W-wow- im so fast! Look at this!" - Kuniharu excitedly commented
[I feel more agile now- i can practically float!]
Thud thud!
Saiki rushed downstairs to the living room, there're his parents, being all over the place. He calmed them down, watches the news on TV.

*A/N i Know this behavior is definitely not one of a 10 year old at all but it's saiki and he's mature. I also might or might not kinda based this off myself since people do say i tend to act way too mature for my age back then

"Superpowers? Quirks?" - Kurumi questioned while scratching her head
[are these the same as Kuu's?]
"So...its a good thing?"
[Maybe with this, i wouldnt be late to work anymore!]
'...sure, for you two. That is,'
Saiki replied, still figuring out howd this happen.
'Nonetheless, everything should be normal, dont you have work father?'
"Eh? But its saturday..."
[its the weekends though...wait. I HAVE WEEKEND SHIFTS—]
Kuniharu hurriedly pack all his stuff in matter of 3 minutes and ran off
"Eh? Honey! Did you bring lunch?!"
[hah...forgetful as ever]
'...then i'll be upstairs.'
"Alright! Rest well Kuu-chan!"
'...? Alright.'
Saiki's POV
How did this happen? Is it an experiment of sort? No, if thats it then the news would also cover it. Kusuke's doing? No, wouldnt be possible even for that genius. Whats the trigger? How? And why?
Saiki thought deeply, sitting on his bed, he saw his reflection on the mirror.
'My hair, its long, i should cut it soon.'
Hair? Could it also be a mutant gene like the hair color change i did? Possible. But who did it? The only person im aware of capable of doing so is me.
No way...
"Its my fault?"
Did i accidentally add another gene in while changing the hair colors? I mean- i was really just over 4 years old then,i mightve made a mistake while moderating.. the superpowers report also said it started 8 years ago.
So its my fault then. How do i fix this? Memory alteration? No, that'll take way, way too long. Time travel? But the butterfly effect... what if i do mind control again? But it'll be dangerous...
Well nonetheless..the world having superpowers wouldnt cause that much of a problem...right?
I mean, if the world has powers then...i wouldnt really need to hide mine, well partially but thats...a benefit. Is it not?
'I dont quite see the problem with it'
Lets just keep it, saves a headache.

And then, Saiki Kusuo, a then 10 year old Psychic sealed his forever coffin filled with hundreds of headaches after another, plus some insomnia.
811 words

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