The Hotel (oneshot)

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(this is an au where the Octonauts dont exist. The crew is just friends who live together)

~NSFW WARNING nothing explicit but Dashton do fuck and it is very implied~

It had been a looooooooooong week...

"Alright guys! I think we're all exausted, and i want to give you freedom, so share a room with whoever you want..."

Everyone looked up at the 6,7 man as he said those words. They all knew Barnacles only said that because he was tired and didnt give a shit about anything anymore. After all, London was tiring...

After all the museums, art galleries, cafes, stores and restaurants had been visited, hardly anyone could muster up a thought.

Dashi wearily stumbled over to Shellington, and grabbed his wrist.

"Just us tonight..." she yawned, then gave Shellington a serious look, and Shellington suddenly realised what was on her mind.

Shellington blushed, and smirked mischeviously. Dashi smiled and dragged her boyfriend into the room Barnacles was pointing to for them. They dumped their bags by the bathroom door and Dashi cartwheeled onto the bed. Shellington chuckled and kicked off his boots. They were DM boots and the leather hadnt quite broken in yet so theyd been painfully rubbing at his ankles all day.

He sat down on the bed next to Dashi and rubbed her back. The duvet was tucked in uncomfortably tight. It would hardly be comfortable to sleep in.

Shellington put the extra pillows on the floor and pulled out the sheets so they werent tucked in so tight. Dashi did her part of the job and proceeded to throw herself around in the pile of blanket like a rabid possum or something. Shellington smiled at the sight of his girlfriend being childish. Neither of them had got a chance to really be like that when they were actual kids so this was really sweet.

"Okay, the Duvet is de-hotelled." Dashi panted after her hyper episode. Shellington took out his topknot hairstyle and put the hairband down by the tv.

"Do you mind if i change? I spilled like 20 drinks down my hoodie today..." He smiled. Dashi shook her head and lets just say... She didnt give her partner much privacy. Once Shellington was comfortably in some black and white plaid pyjama pants and a dark grey t shirt with a monet painting in the center, he sat down on the bed and brought Dashi close up.

"Do you wanna watch anything?" Shellington asked, both arms wrapped safely around Dashi. Dashi could see the exaustion in his face, and let him lie down face to face with her.

"can we watch... Titanic?" Dashi hopefully smiled. Shellington giggled.

"Aye, mo gràdh..." he sighed. Dashi truly loved it when Shellington spoke in Gaelic. Shed tried learning it (and managed to find out that Shellington hadnt exactly said PG things to her) but she decided to stop for some reason. she knew the basics anyway.

Dashi took her laptop from her pink suitcase and loaded up the movie. She got changed into a white tank top and grey trackies. Dashi snuggled up into Shellington, forcing him into being the big spoon for a while, and hit play on the movie. Less than half an hour in, Dashi was on the brink of tears at the movie. Shellington turned her around and kissed her lips. Dashi wrapped her arms around her partner.

Shellington pulled down the straps of Dashi’s tank top, and Dashi began to straddle him. They found themselves in quite a sensitive position...

Staring lovingly into eachothers eyes. Sheets wrapped tightly around them. Shellington’s trembling amd shaky breath. Dashi’s subtle blush spread across her face.

Dashi hit pause on the movie.

"so uhm.. Do you wanna... Do it?" She asked, cupping Shellington’s cheek. Dashi knew they needed better code names for things like this, because 'doing it' can be pretty easily deciphered. Shellington gulped and nodded.



Dashi fell back down on Shellington’s chest, panting like shed just ran a marathon. Shellington breathed the same way. The couple began to stupidly giggle.

"Now, i believe we have a movie to get back to" Dashi smirked. Shellington kicked the clothes they were wearing an hour ago onto the floor and put an arm around his girlfriend.

"i believe we do, leannan..."

The couple went back to their original position and continued watching the movie. They were tired before, but christ on a stick they were exausted now.



Tweak and Kwazii had their ears against the wall from their hotel room, absolutley shitting themselves of laughter. Their best friends definatley sounded like they had fun...

Paani sat back on the bed, laughing at his boyfriends immaturity to have his ear pressed against the wall listening to every word of Dashi and Shellington’s... activities.

Meanwhile, Barnacles and Peso lay in their separate beds. Peso was reading with headphones on, while Barnacles was getting scarred for life. He couldnt help but put his friends first though.

"at least they had fun...?" he thought to himself

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