Screecher and A New Teamate

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Hello whomever will end up reading this journal thingy Zuzu wants. I'm Loona, his girl as Lotus so bluntly put it. Gonna have to remind him of a few things especially since his memory isn't the best. Anyways the last chapter was when that bitch Athena turned me into a rotter. Oh, basically beheading a Kivic in the story doesn't exactly kill them. They become brain dead until it's reattached and the body keeps functioning even without a head. The reason is for Kivics most of their body functions are controlled in the rest of their body. Just their memory, personality, and such are in the head.

Anyways back to the story. I waited in the basement he warped Death Garden and I to until he walked out of a new portal. Before Zuzu could talk I punched him into the wall. "What the hell Zuzu?!?! I wanted to kill the bitch that turned me into a rotter." He pried himself out of the wall and repaired it before replying to me. "I did something even worse to her for you. Come here Loona." I reverted to my hell hound form and walked over a bit curious.

Once I got over to him he gave me a copy of her quirk and gave me the necessary info to use it. Kivics don't need weapons thanks to their claws and teeth but being able to form swords, daggers, shields, and such definitely made me much deadlier. "This is awesome, too bad I can't create Mire. That explosive compound would be fun as hell. Have the idiots expose it to light and boom." With that Zuzu started to mutter and walk to his laptop.

"Lily, do I have a quirk able to make Mire? It's a silver fluid that does nothing if ingested but if exposed to direct light it'll explode. A drop is equal to a snap it with a bottle, roughly the size of a perfume bottle, can instantly ignite an entire room. Bright lights and explosive sound as they burst." I look confused until the laptop spoke back realizing a female ninja was on it with a weird glitchy creature in the shape of Moxie from Helluva Boss. "Metal synthesis, fuse with creation, explosion master, and a few others. It'll take a few trials and errors. You better enter the game world and have your workers do the testing. If done right this Mire stuff can do a lot of damage."

With that Zuzu vanished making me panic a tiny bit. After a couple minutes Zuzu reappeared and scratched the back of his head. "I forgot to give you a special quirk. It's actually how I got Bluebell." I was given a new quirk and when I activated it I ended up in a small village full of wooden people. Zuzu waved and explained this is a quirk made to help make my body stronger and since my body is just shaped differently I should be able to use cultivation stuff in any form.

He showed me around to the plants, the monsters, and even a small family of Bluebells. Well they weren't very nice to us until Bluebell flew over and played with them. From there he taught me all he knew so far about the martial arts in the cultivation world... game..... quirk thingy. It was kinda fun though.

Once we left the game he forced me into the bathroom and closed the door. "Brace yourself and maybe get into the shower. Your body is going to make you shed your impurities once you accept what you've cultivated." I shook my head thinking he was being dramatic. Unfortunately he wasn't. It hurt like hell and I stank afterwards.

After a thorough shower I headed back into the planning room. Thank goodness I had backup clothes in my back pack. With a few minutes of some instructions on cultivating we all heard a song through the Shadow Moth quirk. A girl upset her body didn't develop like other girls singing about her pain and shame. I couldn't help but smirk, "A heartbroken girl singing. Should we bless her with new powers?"

With a nod we all changed into our villain forms. Even as an oni Bluebell is just adorable. Zuzu, I mean System Breaker, sent out his quill and metal petal before we warped above the girls home. We watched them float near her and expected her to recoil like everyone else. When she grabbed them and tried to force them into herself I could help but feel bad for her.

System warped us into the room and I knelt down in front of her, "What's wrong little Fowler? You're the first to actually want Masters Blessing." She yelled, "Great, are you going to mock me too? I get enough at school!" I shook my head and lifted her head some using the side of a claw. "No little one, I just want to know why you desire it so badly that all four of us appeared."

The odd noise she had her instruments make hurt my ears some before she replied. "I'm sick of being called flattie, musician wannabe, tomboy, and dike! I want them all to feel my pain." The rage we felt made us all a mix of scared and sympathetic. System walked over and knelt down, "We will help but if you want you can join us. After your transformation from these cursed items people won't think you're with us. Then we can make you so much more with very little changes to your skills."

I looked at System a bit worried until he continued. "For your corruption you'll be Screecher, afterwards you'll be Muse. I'll explain your powers then, if you agree." He held out his hand and this girl took it eagerly, her earlobe head jacks bouncing happily as she nodded, "I agree System Breaker!" With that he told her to go outside and he will make her corruption a big show.

With her running outside we warped to a nearby building. I could actually taste his excitement. "What do you have planned my dear?" Death Garden nodded, "I can actually feel your anticipation dude. Tell me what you're planning." System laughed louder, "You'll find out soon, just watch."

With his laugher filling the streets he sent out a new petal and quill which went straight for the ear jack girl. The odd mask like thing appeared on her face once they entered her. "Kyoka Jiro, your body and musical skills have been mocked, do you wish to prove them all wrong?" She nodded, "I want to prove every one wrong!"

A purple fog surrounded her before she was revealed. In a biker outfit and flaming purple hair she floated above the crowd, "Screecher, play your song and make them remember your name." She smirked and summoned a flamming purple guitar and started playing it. The music sounded awesome without any boosts at all. I could tell he did nothing beyond boost the volume and make it so if someone liked it they would be under her spell.

We watched as she made everyone in a few block radius into her fans. Their hair being turned into flames of the same color as they changed her name. I was a dozen stories above and could hear them chant Screecher over and over again. As more and more became her fans the fire hair she had grew a bit so it wasn't very noticable at first but after a good portion of the city was her fan you could tell. Very few were immune but it definitely made hunting down true villains and fake heroes so much easier.

After a few hours she was throwing a city wide concert and had her fans trying to set up a global broadcast for her music. She was so close to global domination if only that deaf hero didn't appear. He was so mad the vibrations from the fans screaming the word Screecher were shaking his entire house. Well, he had a mansion so kinda impressive.

The fight lasted a while as he had to beat up her fans too. When he finally got her System removed his gift and appeared on stage. "Now isn't she wonderful. All I had to do was pull an outfit she had already and put it on her, give her hair to prove to her that her music is powerful, and that's it other than made it so if you love her music you'll become a diehard fan. That's right, I didn't do anything more than prove her true worth to you all. To her bullies, you won't get a rising star girl now."

The hero tried to attack only to System to throw him elsewhere. "I look forward for your career as a musician." With a bow he vanished and we all warped home with him laughing still. "We need more natural talents like her. With people like that, ruling the world can be possible. Let's break all the systems. Let's fix this rotten world by removing the problems by the roots!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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