Adventures in the Elements

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In the living room of the Owl House, Luz is reading a pamphlet about Hexside which is labeled "Hexside Facts and Trivia." It has a picture of Principal Bump on the back along with his quote, "Education is the real magic."

Luz looks at her pamphlet, "King, listen to this!"

King lays on Luz's stomach, "Hey! Less read-y, more scratchy!"

The human then sits up, "Sorry! Now that I'll be a student at Hexside, I wanna learn all about it! I've got a new crush, and her name is Education!"

Esper giggles at her friend, "Hehe, Education isn't a person."

The small demon bites off a piece of the pamphlet, "Nyah!"

Eda kicks the front door open, "Hey, freeloaders! Guess what today is?"

Luz raises her arms excitedly, "Is it your birthday?"

Esper smiles, "Is it your sister's birthday?"

King giggles, "Is it my birthday?"

Hooty shrieks with a smile, "It's my birthday!"

Eda shouts and closes the front door, "No! It's human treasure day!"

She then tosses the Portal Door into the air and it unfolds, opening. Owlbert flies through, dragging a giant sack. The sack tears when he flips it onto the floor, revealing a pile of human garbage. The door closes shut.

Eda hops onto the pile, "Ahh, fresh garbage."

King looks through the trash pile happily, "Ooo, gimme, gimme, gimme!" He then pulls out a teddy bear, "Yes! Another worthy addition to my army of terror!" The demon pulls the string on the back of the plush.

The teddy bear then spoke, "I love cuddles and kisses!"

King laughs, "Truly horrifying!" He looks down and finds a wolf plushie.

Esper giggles at the young demon's antics, "Pffft, oh yeah. Totally scary." She digs through the trash, finding a bucket with a hole in it, "Hmm, I wonder if Gus would like this."

Eda smiles at the human, who's still reading, "Yo, kid. Your trash pile's getting cold. While mine's getting hot!" She pulls out a wire clothes hanger from the pile, "I have never seen such an extravagant earring."

Luz shrugs her off, "You can have my trash. Whoa! Did you know that Hexside was built on the bones of its rival school? One it literally conquered!" She shows off the pamphlet, showing a picture of a much younger Principal Bump standing on various rival students, being cheered on by fellow Hexside students. The school burns behind them.

Esper gasped, pointing at the young man on the pamphlet, "Wooooooah, young Bump looks so cool! Think he can give me pointers?"

Luz giggles at her childhood friend, "Haha, maybe when we actually start attending!"

The older witch puts two clothing hangers as earrings and looks in a mirror, "Yes, I know all these things, I went there. It was the most harrowing period of my life." She smiles at her reflection, "Oh, hello."

The human smiles widely, wrapping her arm around Esper, "Can you imagine it! Us, in the halls of Hexside, studying with Willow and Gus and—maybe even Amity..." Her eyes widened as she suddenly remembered something, "Amity! Oh cramity! We're supposed to meet so I can get my Azura book back!" She rushes to collect her things and runs towards the door.

Esper raises her hands, standing in front of Luz, "Wait wait, pause! You and Amity? The girl who was okay with trying to cut you open when we snuck into the school? Fought you at the Covention? Mint chocolate chip looking hair with angry eyes? THAT Amity? Are you guys friends now? When did this happen?"

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