Babysitting Duty/Once Upon a Swap

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Esper was relaxing on the couch with King napping on her stomach, dreaming about cupcakes. Luz was practicing more of her light glyphs while Eda was making sure they were prepared. Eda looked down at her satchel full of human objects, "Alright, this should be enough to last us the whole day at the market. Come on, everyone, chop chop! Gotta get the good stall area before people take em all!"

Esper stretched as she got off the couch, "Okay, let's get going then-"

Eda stuck a hand in front of Esper, "Nuh-uh nope, it is your turn to watch Hooty. Luz did it last time, so now you get to be the one in charge this time!"

The young witch groned, "Aw WHAT! I'm on babysitting duty? I thought Hooty was a big boy house!" Eda glared at her and Esper continued, "...Okay finnnne. I'll watch him."

Luz ran up from behind her and ruffled her hair, "Awww, thanks Esper-y!"

Esper laughed and then pushed her away, "Yeah yeah! Just go sell things, you goobs!"

As the group walks out of the door, Eda gave her some last words, "And remember, Esper, you are the responsible one here. I don't want any messes, no destroyed house, no nothing. Understand?" The younger witch nodded eagerly and the older witch left with the group. Hooty excitedly sticks his head inside through the window, putting himself near Esper's face, "Oh boy Esper! What do you want to do first?"

Esper pushed him, "Well, I want to practice my spells. I want to get my aim just right for any situation, be a great witch, you know. Why don't you find something to do, Hooty?" Hooty groaned, "Aw but you ALWAYS practice! Is there anything I can do to help, hoot hoot?"

The witch sighed heavily, "Well... I guess you can help set up some targets. But don't try and get in the way okay, I don't want to hurt you."

Hooty nodded as he then went underground, grabbing a few rocks in his mouth. He slithered upwards and swallowed a few bottles until he spat them out, lining them in front of Esper.

The witchling formed a circle with her finger, causing a ball of a fire to shoot out at the rock. Esper continued this motion, going fast and even using both hands at one point. She tried to mimic the way Eda moved during her fight against her sister a week ago.

Upong hitting the final bottle, the girl raised her arms in victory, "Alright! I'm really getting the hang of this! Come on Hooty, let's get more targets."

The owl tube pouted, "Mmmm... Don't wanna. Hoot hoot. I'm bored."

The witchling then flung her arms downwards, "Aw what! But Hooty, I need to practice!"

The giant owl pouted, turning his head away from Esper, as he was bored. He wasn't having any fun with this activity. Hooty then had an idea and then snatched her bow from her head. The black bow became undone, as did her hair. Her red hair flowed around her head as she felt the top of her head. Hooty sped off as Esper glared at him, "Hey! You did not just take out my bow like that! Get back here!"

The witchling chased down the owl tube inside the house, "Hooty! Get back here with that!" He teasingly waved the bow above her and she jumped up at him, knocking them both into a shelf. As the shelf moved, a bag on top of it fell down to the floor. It spilled the contents onto the floor, it was filled with spheres that were made out of a chalk-like texture. Esper quickly grabbed her bow from the owl's mouth as he looks at the mess they made.

Hooty looked down at the objects, "OOOOO! These are bath bombs, hoot hoot! They look so beautiful when they're put in water! We should use some! I'm sure Eda won't mind! Hoot!" The witchling fixed her hair back into it's ponytail as he spoke.

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