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After the visit with my dad was over, I started searching for a way out, but after three hours of looking, I found nothing. I looked out of the bars and saw a sleeping guard sitting there. Perfect. 'Crash!'.
What was that?! I looked around cautiously, and slowly backed up. I slipped under the bed. A man busted into the cell and searched rapidly for something. He smelled the air.
"She was here." he said, talking to himself. Two other guys came in. I healed my breath as one of the men walked toward the bed.
"Ok let's start a search." one guy said, potentially saving my life, because when he did the man stopped walking and turned away. I let out a sigh of relief. Good job me. The man turned back faster than a dog after a big man with a cheeseburger. I jumped out from under the bed and ran. Run run run, was all I could think. I caught a glimpse of the guard that was sleeping. He had been completely ripped apart. His insides were not inside anymore. At that moment, I ran faster, if even possible.
The footsteps were closer and I heard a man yell "Raven!". How the crap did he know my fricken name?! This is fan-fricken-tastic. Apparently I have been stalked this whole time.
I ran into my dad. "Dad!" I hugged him. He pushed me away."Dad?".
"You need to learn." he said, with a small smile. His eyes were different. Almost crazy.
"What? Dad? I don't understand."
"One day you will forgive me and realize what humans are." he said.
I felt two arms rap around me. I started screaming and kicking for them to let me go. I hissed and bit his hand, without the toxins to make him a vampire. He screamed in agony and pain. I smiled to myself.
My dad slapped me. I stared at him with wide eyes. He hit me. He almost seemed shocked himself, but it quickly subsided. "Don't come back until you learn.", he said in a cold tone. I was dragged outside and put in the back of a van, but they must have forgotten to close the door because as soon as they jumped in, I was out.
I ran as fast as I could go, but I realized I had no where to go... except... no I would not go there. My brother is not right in the head. I can't go to his house. Although I suppose I don't have a choice in the matter. So that was that. To my brother's house.

Hey guys thanks for reading! Please vote and comment about what you think of this story. Bye for now!

Life as the daughter of a vampire kingWhere stories live. Discover now