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Kashim could hardly believe what he was seeing. John Walker stood above Nico's dead body, his bloody shield by his side. The look on his face was almost proud, but then he seemed to clock all of the phones faced in his direction, and the shock and horror painted on everyone's face.

So he ran.

Kashim watched as John Walker ran from the scene of his crime, and he almost vomited at the sight in front of him. Nico's body was bloodied and skewed at a strange angle, his eyes widened at the sky.

A strangled cry erupted from the girl next to him, and Kashim frantically looked to Everett. Her green eyes were glued the broken body in front of her, tears streaming down her face. Kashim moved in front of her, blocking her gaze. He took her face in his hands and forced her to look at him.

"Ev, look at me." Her green eyes were unfocused, dazed. He had never seen her look so unlike herself. "Ev, baby, please. It's okay, it's just me."

Kashim watched her chest heave as a shaky exhale left her lips. He watched her struggle to keep breathing, and her mouth opened and closed.

"Where is he, Kash?"

Kashim's brow furrowed in confusion at her words. "Where's who, Evie?"

Everett finally looked at him, and his heart nearly shattered at how drained she looked. He hadn't noticed it, but the dark circles under her eyes were so dark they nearly looked like bruises. He wondered if she'd been sleeping.

"Steve. Where is Steve? He never would've let this happen." Her voice was hoarse, and she wasn't making any sense.

Kashim felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Bucky. His eyes were trained on Everett, and worry was etched into his forehead.

"Is she okay? Sam wants to go after Walker."

Kashim shook his head. "I need to get her out of here. She's not with it. She keeps asking about Steve."

Bucky's eyes widened slightly, and he sighed. "She's asking about Steve Rogers. That shield is always tied to him." His shoulders drooped. "Get her back to the house, we'll meet you there when we're done."

Kashim nodded and refocused on Everett. She was shaking her head back and forth, mumbling under her breath. Kashim gripped her hands, and her gaze flashed to him. He smiled softly. She was so beautiful.

"Hey, Evie. Let's go back to the house. We can meet Sam and Bucky there." He traced his thumb over her hand, hoping to bring her back to the real world. Her eyes took him in, and she seemed to realize who he was.

"Kash?" Her voice shook, and she bit her lip harshly, drawing blood. He nodded and brushed the tears from her face.

"Yeah, Evie. It's just me. We're gonna go wait for Sam and Bucky, and then we're gonna go home."

She nodded and leaned into him.

"Let's go home, Kash."


Kashim sat on the couch in Riga, his girl asleep in his lap. When they had gotten back to the house, Kashim had managed to convince Everett to rest until Bucky and Sam got back. She had curled up in his lap, her head burrowing into the crook of his neck

That was two hours ago.

Kashim softly ran his fingers through Everett's hair, feeling her body rise and fall softly against him. He was reminded of all of the times she would crawl into his bed in the middle of the night when they were kids. She would have tears running down her face and she wouldn't be able to talk about the horrors she saw when she closed her eyes. They would lay in his bed and stare at the ceiling and talk for hours.

Kashim was shaken from his thoughts as he felt Everett move closer to him. She nuzzled her head further into him, and he felt her lips ghost against his neck. Heat raced up his body and she whispered softly to him

"Where are we?"

Kashim looked down at her softly. "We're at the Riga house. Sam and Bucky should be here soon."

Everett nodded against him and sighed softly. Kashim watched her carefully. He couldn't see any sign that she had any recollection of the day's events.

"Was today real? Did Walker really kill a man? Is Lemar really dead?"

Kashim sucked in a breath. "Yeah."

Everett nodded.

The doors slammed open as Bucky and Sam entered the house, but the pair froze as the noticed Everett and Kashim's position on the couch. Everett turned her head to hide from the two men, and Kashim softly pressed a kiss to her forehead. Bucky's eyes narrowed at their close proximity, and Everett could feel his gaze burning into her. She flipped him off without looking at him.

"There's nothing left for us to do here. Karli's not showing her face anytime soon." Sam's calming voice flowed through the house.

Everett looked up at Sam, and she found him already watching her with worry written into the lines of his face.

"So what's the next steps?" Everett looked between Sam and Bucky.

Bucky shrugged. "We wait."


short chapter sorry!!!!

but we're nearing the end omg idk what to do


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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