Three - Rich Girl

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One of the things that I find the most infuriating about Peter Parker is that he is genuinely a good guy. He doesn't need to put on a facade or play up to a character ideal that people have on him, he is just good. From the inside out. I, on the other hand, play a more morally grey role. I am not a villain, although I don't outwardly try and persuade people otherwise when that's the box they try to squeeze me into, but I'm no hero either. I rarely associate myself with people who need saving, I just take from the people who don't. I'm quite self aware, I know I'm attractive, I don't think that makes me self absorbed. I think if anything it makes me confident enough to demand even more attention. So, sitting across from the city's favourite (albeit disguised) hero makes me feel a bit nauseous. The initial adrenaline I felt from our paths crossing in such a meet cute way wore off incredibly quickly. What's even worse is that Peter Parker is one of the only men in the world who I have ever wanted genuinely good things for. Health, happiness, even abundance in work and pleasure. I want to see him thrive, but the line in which both of us can succeed is sometimes blurry, smudged, and a little hard to decipher at all.

He's looking at me with these heavy eyes, like I'm made of glass and he can see right through me. I hate that. He knows that I know. He knows what I'm too stubborn to admit. I want the heart stone, I really do, and if ever there is a battle between my greed and my internal compass, my greed will always win. It's a knockout.

"That's nice."

I say to no one in particular. I'm thinking about my computer again, and how much I'd rather be sitting in front of it than sitting here being scrutinised by an old friend.

"I just...wanted to let you know."

"Appreciate it."

I swipe my lips together and mentally scold myself for not bringing any kind of lip product with me. It is its own kind of power move, perfectly applying lipstick in front of someone without any kind of mirror insight.

"So why does the exhibition need shutting down anyway?"

Parker takes the first sip of his coffee. The barista put a little heart in the foam. I'd think it were cute if it wasn't obscenely on the nose.

He hesitates. God knows why. I already know the answer, I just want to hear him say it.

"It's rumoured that the stone is incredibly powerful to whoever gets their hands on it. It's a beautiful piece of jewellery but has the potential to cause great damage. The last person who wore it was a member of the Cambodian royal family. It was her wedding day and all was well, until it wasn't. As soon as The Heart Stone was placed around her neck she confessed to having an affair with her husband to be's younger brother. Said he was her one true love, and that the entire engagement had been a sham."

Good for her, I think. She deserves to be happy like anyone else. It's probably her father who's really to blame for the whole debacle. Do you see now though, why I have been so hesitant to commit? Once I dig my claws and sink my teeth into this mission, I run the risk of confessing, and my credibility swirling down the plug hole like an entire bath filled with lukewarm water. I like being perceived as someone who has a tight grip on her emotional state, the worst could happen and I would still walk with my head in the air and with a little sway in my hips. I like being perceived as a master. I quite fancy myself as an optical illusionist when it comes to feelings and how to look like I don't have them actually. I am a material girl who yearns only for material things. Parker is just a little bump in my gold bar road. Dorothy and her gang have nothing on me. 

The Heart Stone - Black Cat x Spider ManTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang