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Timmy grinned and since we were released he tugged me toward the sound of our siblings wrestling around. Of our siblings only Kiara and Nate were mated. They each were like me they had found their mates young and being older than me they had claimed. Nate and Lucian had snuck around for six months having sex before Nate was eighteen. They did wait till his birthday before claiming but dad had found out about two weeks before his birthday and had a fit when he knew. They'd been forced to be apart for those last two weeks. Though it had been easier for them since Lucian didn't live with us like Timmy does. Kiara has been mated for about five years now. Nate as one of the triplets with her was mated only two weeks less since he'd waited till he was eighteen. It had been sort of an accident for Kiara to mate early. LJ had moved out of home and in with her so he wasn't here. Nate and his mate Lucian had been living at home with us for a year then moved into a really nice two bedroom apartment.

Ethan who I really thought would have been next didn't seem concerned about finding a mate. After them Timmy and I were next so all the rest of my siblings were to young to do more than casually date. When we reach the others two of my younger brothers were shifted and rolling around biting at each other. They rolled into Franny, and Anthony who she was best friends with gave the two boys a kick.

"Watch what you are doing, you knock her down and hurt her I'll hurt you." At fifteen he was just coming into his strength and had the attitude to go with the strength. He was going to be a powerful beta. The two boys shook loose of each other and headed away from Franny.

"Tim, wanna race?" Richard asks. They loved to race him because as a fox he was really fast.

"I don't know I'd hate to disgrace you in front of the girls." He says but heads behind a tree to shed his trunks and shift. I knew he did that because of me. He'd done it for years. He came out as his red fox. Richard didn't bother to go anywhere just stripped and shifted. He was my brother I didn't care what he looked like. Timmy slipped from the tree and over to me. I loved the feel of his fur. He was nearly three times the size of a natural fox. I rubbed his ears but he didn't let me rub long. I watched him and Richard head for a line someone had done in the leaves.

'Down to the fallen tree and back.' I heard Richard announce. I knew Timmy would win. He always won.

"3... 2... 1... go." Honora counted down. Timmy was off like a shot and Richard kept up for the first ten feet then Timmy began to stretch ahead. They slid nearly off their feet as they hit the down tree and Timmy sprinted ahead. As he crossed the line he dropped his hips and slid to a stop. I clapped and cheered for him. Richard was panting as he trotted across the line.

'Someday I'm gonna find a way to beat your ass.' He says in the family link. As I kneel next to Tim I laugh.

"Never. Your slow butt is doomed."

"The only way you are beating him brother is if he's asleep." Isaiah says. Richard shifts back and pulls on his clothes. Timmy doesn't bother just leans into my hands that are rubbing his neck and shoulders. I see him look toward one of the boys that is looking at him steadily and smirking. I know they are talking private in link. Suddenly Timmy drops to the ground and curls in on himself.

"Timmy? What's wrong?" I ask worried. One of the girls laughs. I look up at Louise. "What's so funny?" She grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. "Louise why are you pulling at me."

"He needs a private moment. Lets go help the moms get camp ready for bed time."

"But, I promised I'd comb the dirt out of his fur. You know he hates having it stuck in there."

"One of the boys will help him if he asks. But I doubt he'll bother." She says laughing.

"What is so funny? Louise what is going on?" She turned to me and lowered her voice.

The Alphas Mates Generations: Coco & TimmyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin