Tech: Its only ever been you

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Summary: Tech doubts that you love him. Thinks she deserves a better, a less logical based clone who is able to meet her needs better then he is able to. She assures him it's only ever been him.

He took your hand in his and kissed the back of it. The brush of his plush lips sent warm tingles surging throughout your body. The gentle caress of his fingers sending waves of shivers down your spine. Before his attention was pulled away from you, back to datapad.

Normally he'd regale you with a new fact he had discovered that day. Memorizing the exact details in which he had heard it. It had become a constant part of your routine when you saw one another. On his days of leave.

Today unfortunately he was quieter. More reserved in his conversations. Actually barely any conversation had taken place. You found it rather odd. Sometimes you both would find comfort in the long stretches of echoing silence. Those moments were few and far between.

But today. Today was not one of those days. As you laid your head in his lap, legs draped across your couch seats, you sensed something was off.

Tech was off.

You didn't need to be a Jedi to feel it.

His eyes were the first to give him away. They were distant. Far off in another place. Where that place was you did not know, but you wanted to. You wanted to know what had him so far from you.

Even if his brows were not knotted together, or his jaw was partially clenched, betraying his normal demeanor. Or how tense his muscles felt beneath you. His unsteady breath too was giving him away.

You knew. You just did.

Something was wrong.

What could it be though? Concerning Tech it could have been a multitude of matters. His sleep schedule was non existent, was that the source of his distressed condition? Had he not been eating enough? Hunter said there was times when Tech would forget to eat. He hadn't mentioned it in several rotations so maybe that wasn't the case.

Not that he'd tell you, having to have found out from Echo, but could the others clones be giving him a hard time yet again? If that was the case, you didn't mind getting into a fight for his honor. Normally you were not the type to use your fist as a solution, but if it was to defend his honor, for Tech you absolutely would.

The disrespect he and his brothers faced enraged you. Just because he and his batch were enhanced did not give the other clones a right to treat them like they were beneath them. Every-time you saw it happened, your heart rate increased and anger took over. Instead, now the notion that this was potentially the case made you somber more then anything else.

However the conflicting feelings you felt in asking him faded away as a new culprit dawned on you. Your heart immediately sunk.

Was he this way because of something you had done? Did you upset him somehow?

Come to think of it, it was only a few days that he had made a comment that at the time seemed strange, but now completed the puzzle.

Was he planning on leaving you? Was that why he was out of character today? Afraid to tell you the truth of the matter....

Your body tensed and you could sense the tears starting to form. But you wouldn't let him see you like this.


Remaining strong when he ultimately presented you with his decision would be how he saw you for the last time.

Yet you couldn't help how crushed you felt. As if someone had thrown a rock at your chest. Smashing your heart into nothing but dust and ash.

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