Hunter: To new beginnings (3/3)

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Final part in this Hunter three parts oneshot. Enjoy!

Your voice died in your throat as you fully registered that voice. His voice. Legs feeling like they'd give out, you still managed to turn around.

There he was. Hunter.

Your thought to be lost to the stars husband.

He was here. Standing less than a foot away from you. Brown eyes lost in a trance at your figure. You couldn't help but stare at him as you felt tears well up in your eyes. His signature red bandanna, the half skull tattoo, the scruffy five oh clock shadow that you adored, especially when it explored certain parts of your body.

It wasn't until you were able to make out every scar and new mark on his rough skin that you realized that you mere inches in front of him and his well toned, built figure. You knew every scar that had decorated his body. Even the ones hidden beneath that armor. Had memorized and traced each one with your fingers multiple times.

He had done the same with yours. Running his hands along them, taking in the different sizes that he was surprised to find on a Queen to be. Now he wouldn't have been so shocked to see that your count had only gone up. Already being able to pick up on what you had endured since everything had gone to hell.

The whispers and proof of what had happened to your home planet. A portion of him had shattered that day when Tech informed him. He always had wondered where you were. According to the records you were said to have been killed in action. However the sergeant didn't believe that for one second. You were stronger than most senators and highly trained. Conquendesnly by him and his brothers. With everything that you had learned from them there was not a single doubt in his mind that you were alive.

It was just a matter of locating you. Among trying to care for Omega and staying off the Empire's radar, Hunter would grasp at any hints he came across from Tech about your whereabouts. Tech scoured old com channels and data sites to find you. However each time, even with his skilled mind, traces of you were limited and in the end it started to become hopeless. None of them wanted to give up. Even Omega, who didn't know you, didn't want to stop. So instead of giving up, they tabled it for another time. First and foremost they needed to earn some credits. Thats how they ended up working for Cid. Reluctantly that is.

Hunter never thought he'd find you here of all places. Though it seemed like a place to go when you exhausted all other options. A place if one needed to hide would perfect and far from the Empire's prying eyes. Something it appeared both parties were doing.

There was no more waltzing around thinking that he was lost or...worse. Your chest felt tight, stealing all the air from your lungs.

Even through it all you managed to be the first to speak, "Hunter".

The sergeant's heart clenched at hearing his name leaving your lips again. It was like an angelic melody to him. And it was all he could have hoped for as he reached out, his hands grasping your belt and tugged you to his chest. Then he wrapped his firm arms around your back, pressing your body into him. Wanting to feel him, you hooked your arms behind his neck. Securing yourself to him. Like you did some many times before and had dreamed about doing again too many nights to count.

The cold press of his armor, his hot breath on the side of your neck, the way in which his fingers ran down the middle of your back. All of it felt like a truly wonderful dream. Yet it was all real. He was real. And as the dam of tears broke open you started to believe it.

Too quickly for your liking Hunter had pulled away. As you opened your mouth about to protest, Hunter was on you again. Warm lushly lips colliding with yours. Your felt your body turning feverish as Hunter kissed you with such a passion. His kisses were always heated and powerful. Even if it was meant to be simple, Hunter still found ways to leave your gasping and breathless with how much force he put into them.

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